Georg Vortmann

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Georg Vortmann (born July 1, 1854 in Trieste , † September 15, 1932 in Barcola ) was an Austrian chemist and university professor . He was rector of the Vienna University of Technology .


Georg Vortmann first attended elementary school in Trieste and the Imperial and Royal State High School. From 1872 he studied technical chemistry at the Eidgenössisches Polytechnikum Zürich , where he passed the diploma examination in 1874. After working in industry, he went to the commercial academy in Trieste and Berlin for scientific studies. From 1877 to 1884 he was assistant to Adolf Lieben at the University of Vienna , where he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD. From 1885 to 1892 he worked as a private lecturer and assistant at the Technical University of Aachen with Alexander Classen . In 1886 he completed his habilitation in analytical chemistry at the University of Vienna, where he taught as a private lecturer from 1892.

In 1896 he was appointed associate professor and in 1900 full professor of analytical chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology. In the academic years 1904/05, 1910/11 and 1911/12 he was dean of the chemical-technical school. In the academic year 1907/08 he was elected rector of the Vienna University of Technology . Construction of the Karlstrakt began during his rectorate. In 1920 he retired . Fritz Feigl and Robert Strebinger were among his students .

In 1914 he was appointed court advisor, in 1922 he received an honorary doctorate from the German Technical University in Prague .

Georg Vortmann died in 1932 at the age of 78 on his country estate in Barcola near Trieste. The Vortmann lecture hall was named after him in the chemistry building of the TU Vienna on Getreidemarkt .

Publications (selection)

  • 1902: 30 exercises as a first guide to quantitative analysis , Franz Deuticke Verlag, Leipzig / Vienna
  • 1919: General course of qualitative chemical analysis without the use of hydrogen sulfide gas , 2nd edition, Franz Deuticke Verlag, Leipzig / Vienna
  • 1920: Instructions for qualitative chemical analysis: For use in practical exercises in the laboratory , supplemented and expanded 16th edition of the work by Heinrich Hlasiwetz , Franz Deuticke Verlag, Leipzig / Vienna
  • 1922: Exercise examples from quantitative chemical analysis through weight analysis including electroanalysis , Franz Deuticke Verlag, Leipzig / Vienna, 3rd edition
  • 1933: Qualitative analysis of inorganic mixtures with the simplest tools , Verlag Chemie, Berlin,
  • 1933 (together with Robert Lieber): Qualitative chemical analysis after sodium sulphide course , Academic Publishing and Mail Order Bookstore Haim & Co., Vienna / Leipzig


  • Juliane Mikoletzky, Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber (editor): A Collection of Extraordinary Completeness / A Collection of Unusual Completeness: Die Rektorengalerie der Technische Universität Wien / The Gallery of Rectors of the TU Wien . Festschrift 200 Years of Technical University Vienna, Volume 13, Vienna, Böhlau-Verlag 2015, ISBN 978-3-205-20113-7 , page 88
  • RW Soukup: Career path of chemists at the University of Vienna between 1890 and 1910 ( PDF )
  • Michaela Kaiser: The history of the chair for technical electrochemistry at the Vienna University of Technology in the first half of the 20th century ( PDF )

Individual evidence

  1. GM 3 Vortmann lecture hall - TU Vienna . Retrieved April 8, 2016.