Georgia Tornow

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Ulrich Meyer and Georgia Tornow at the German Television Award 2012
Georgia Tornow (left) on the Boulevard der Stars

Georgia Tornow (born April 23, 1948 in Vlotho ) is a German journalist .

After studying political science (1971), she completed an internship at ZDF and worked as a freelance journalist for print, radio and television. She was coordinator (member of the editor-in-chief) of the taz , deputy editor-in-chief of the Berliner Zeitung , editor-in-chief of Econy , columnist for the women's magazine Vivian , television presenter for the broadcaster Freie Berlin and the news broadcaster n-tv . As a scientist, she worked for several years at the Otto Suhr Institute with new technologies, changes in social structures and regional development. She learned systems analysis at Olivetti , and in 1985/86 she worked as a free-lancer for the Institute for Systems Engineering and Innovation Research (ISI) in Karlsruhe and the Institute for Ecological Economic Research in Berlin .

From 1994 to 1999 Georgia Tornow was an active member of the Advisory Board of the Berlin International Film Festival , and until March 2001 she was deputy chairwoman of the Berlin press conference. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Potsdam . In 1995 she married the television journalist and presenter Ulrich Meyer .

From 2001 to 2008 Tornow was the general secretary of film20 , a lobby organization for film producers.

She heads the non-profit " Boulevard der Stars GmbH".

In 1998 the English rose breeder David Austin dedicated the rose variety ' Teasing Georgia ' to her.

Web links

Commons : Georgia Tornow  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Secret Meyer wedding celebration in the Berliner Zeitung on March 9, 1996
  2. ^ The name of the rose in Berliner Zeitung from September 26, 1998