Gerd Heinz-Mohr

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Gerd Edwin Heinz-Mohr (born December 28, 1913 in Rhaunen , Hunsrück ; † July 5, 1989 on a study trip to Córdoba , Spain ) was a Protestant theologian , art historian and publicist.


Heinz-Mohr grew up in the times of the youth movement during and after the First World War , which developed in the Protestant Church, among other things, as a high-church Berneuchen movement . The concern for church and evangelical piety practiced in a new way in community and ecumenical openness shaped his commitment throughout his life.

Heinz-Mohr studied Protestant theology, history and art history and worked as a lecturer in various publishing houses, including the Furche publishing house in Hamburg and the Burckhardthaus publishing house in Gelnhausen . In 1951 he submitted a social theoretical dissertation on the late medieval philosopher Nikolaus von Kues at the philosophical faculty of the University of Bonn : Unitas christiana. Studies on the social idea of ​​Nikolaus von Kues in the spiritual context of their prehistory. Nikolaus von Kues had aroused new interest as a representative of a unifying and non-polarizing social philosophy. Heinz-Mohr remained a member of the scientific advisory board of the Cusanus Society . Nikolaus von Kues also aroused interest in the life moment of the game.

While working at the Evangelical Academy in Loccum after 1953, he initiated "Days of Spiritual Exercise", which were characterized by exercises in silence, pastoral care and the celebration of the Lord's Supper. The “Loccumer Working Group for Meditation” carries these concerns on. As a scientific consultant and representative for set-up time work in the Office for Community Service of the Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church in Hanover , Heinz-Mohr “worked closely with the course chaplaincy, the Loccum Academy and communities and organized his meditation courses, image viewing and photo lectures in the Einkehrhaus St. Michael in Hildesheim, im Amelungsborn Monastery , Sprengelheim Ostercappeln, village helpers' seminar in Fischerhude, Lutherstift Falkenburg , Marahrens H [eim] vo [lks] h [och] s [school] Loccum, House of Silence in Bethel ”. Heinz-Mohrs Lexicon of Symbols. Images and Signs of Christian Art (1971) owed this work and was translated into Czech, Japanese, and Italian, among others.

At the academy in Loccum, Heinz-Mohr was responsible for conferences on the history of anti-Semitism in Germany, the understanding of marriage, the image of man, the name of God, theater, the understanding of the Holy Spirit and ecumenism, among other things.

The service as a soldier in World War II and difficult experiences in Soviet captivity, from which Heinz-Mohr returned sick in 1949, are dealt with in his consolation book from Russian captivity (1957). The consolation book was handwritten on wrapping paper in the warehouse in 1947 and was passed on from hand to hand and copied. Heinz-Mohr's journalistic success as a writer and speaker was certainly also due to the fact that "as a person with his own difficult life experience in an understanding faith, he helped many other people to live anew through word and writing".

Publications (selection)

  • Sermon whether the Christian has something to laugh about. Hamburg 1956
  • Ten-year celebration of the Protestant Academy Loccum on October 31, 1956. Hanover 1956
  • With Jürgen Bergholter: Incomprehensible day. Small comfort book from Russian captivity. Metzingen 1957
  • Unitas christiana. Studies on the social idea of ​​Nikolaus von Kues. Trier 1958
  • This is how Nikolaus speaks of Kues. Munich 1959
  • Wisdom from the desert. A breviary of spiritual help in life. Hamburg 1959
  • Play with the game. A little game philosophy. Hamburg 1959
  • God comes into today. Evangelical Christmas. Hamburg 1960
  • Now and at the hour of our death. Hamburg 1963 (2nd edition, Stuttgart 1973 "Book of Hours 22")
  • The globe game of Nikolaus von Kues. Considerations on a Theology of Play. Trier 1965
  • A new song in the world. Congregational songs from young churches. Gelnhausen 1965
  • With Hans-Eckehard Bahr : Brothers of the World. Hamburg-Freiburg-Zurich 1965
  • Christian hymns of the 20th century. Gelnhausen 1966
  • Christianity in communities. Stuttgart 1968
  • Laugh through the church year. Stories, reports and all sorts of happy accessories. Hamburg 1968 (2nd edition, 1969)
  • Lexicon of symbols. Images and signs of Christian art. Düsseldorf-Cologne 1971 (reprint Munich 1998)
  • God loves the donkey. Düsseldorf-Cologne 1972
  • Hearty sermons from old and new times. The sow with the golden collar. Düsseldorf-Cologne 1973 (Gütersloher Taschenbücher Siebenstern 278, 1978)
  • The happy church year. Cheerful stories and smiling truths, Düsseldorf-Cologne 1974 (Gütersloher Taschenbücher Siebenstern 217, 1977)
  • The art of the open life. Stuttgart 1975
  • Whoever laughs last ... The humor of the last things. Cologne 1976 (Gütersloher Taschenbücher Siebenstern 1033, 1981)
  • God is the unity of all things. Zurich 1984
  • From the light of the last hour. Learning to die means learning to live. Freiburg 1986
  • The laughing Christian. Spiritual humor across Germany. Freiburg 1988
  • With Volker Sommer: The rose, development of a symbol. Munich 1988
  • Because of old iron. Cheerful things from later years. Freiburg 1989 (4th edition, 1992)

Individual evidence

  1. Heinz-Mohr, Gerd (Edwin). In: Lutz Hagestedt (Ed.): German Literature Lexicon . The 20th century. Heinemann - Henz. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2011, p. 99.
  2. a b Willi vom Hofe: In memory of Gerd Heinz-Mohr. In: Quatember . 1989, p. 232.
  3. ^ Heinz M .: Lived ecumenical unity. In: The High Church. 1931, pp. 5-9.
  4. Gerd Heinz-Mohr: Spiritual life in today's world. Initiatives and realizations in the evangelical space . In: Erich Ruppel , Dieter Andresen (Eds.): Loccum Vivum . Hamburg 1963, p. 179-222, 207, 211 f., 218 .
  5. Loccumer Breviary. 2nd edition, Loccum 1991, p. 17.
  6. Dirk Riesener: People's mission between the people's church and the republic. 75 years house of church services - formerly the office for community service - of the Evangelical Lutheran regional church of Hanover. Hanover 2012, p. 318.
  7. Lexicon symbolu. translated by Eva Urbanskova, Prague 1999.
  8. Seiyo-shinboru-jiten. translated by G. Haintsu-Moa and Nomura Taro, Tokyo 1994.
  9. Lessico di iconografia cristiana. translated by Michele Fiorillo and Lina Montessori, Milan 1995.
  10. Anti-Semitism and German History, Nov. 1957
  11. ^ Divorce, conference from October 24 to 27, 1962.
  12. ^ The physical human being, conference from November 26th to 29th, 1965.
  13. Jump up ↑ The Names of God, Pentecostal lay seminary, May 27-30, 1966.
  14. The Theater and Reality, conference from May 9 to 12, 1967.
  15. The Spirit that Makes Life Pentecost, lay seminary, May 13-16, 1967.
  16. The Spirit and the Churches, Conference June 1-4, 1968.
  17. Heinz-Mohr: Incomprehensible day. Consolation book from Russian captivity, p. 199
  18. Heinz-Mohr, Incomprehensible Day. Consolation book from Russian captivity, p. 48
  19. ^ Gerd Heinz-Mohr: Ars moriendi III. Practical-theological, in: Theologische Realenzyklopädie, Berlin / New York 1979, Vol. 4, pp. 154–156
  20. Bibliography in Meinold Krauss (ed.): The many names of God. [Gerd Heinz-Mohr on his 60th birthday], Stuttgart 1974
  21. ^ Translation into Dutch: Broeders van deze wereld. The Hague, Amsterdam 1967
  22. ^ Translation into Italian: La Rosa, Milan 1989.