Evangelical Academy Loccum

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The Evangelical Academy Loccum is the Evangelical Academy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hanover . It is an institution with no legal capacity under the supervision of the Hanover Regional Church Office .

It was brought into being in Hermannsburg in 1946 under the impression of the National Socialist tyranny and the complicity of the Evangelical Church . The academy has been operating in Loccum since 1952, opposite the Cistercian monastery ( Kloster Loccum ) founded in 1193 , to which all windows in the conference area are oriented.

The Academy Act of 1975 defines the objectives as follows: “The Academy has the task of serving the preaching of the Church in the confrontation of modern world problems with the Gospel, of contributing in society to the responsible planning of future developments, of giving people inside and outside the Church opportunities To offer participation in the life, thought and action of the Church, to help the Church in dealing with reality, to find new orders and modes of operation. "(Academy Act in the version of April 4, 1975)

Working method

The academy organizes conferences, colloquia, symposiums and seminars to which it openly invites. Its events focus on dealing with fundamental, current and future issues and conflicts from politics and society, culture and economy, science and the environment, religion and ethics in a national and global context.

The academy's self-image


A team of twelve study directors, each of whom are experts in their subject, is responsible for the content and organizational work of the conference. In cooperation with the actors in the relevant fields of activity, the study directors design their conference programs to be interdisciplinary. The academy is headed by a director; the theologian Stephan Schaede has held this position since 2010.


A convention with representatives of the regional church and personalities from public life is available to advise the course management and establish principles for the work. He participates in the appointment of the director, draws up guidelines for the distribution of tasks and receives reports from the director. He campaigns for the interests of the academy. The members are appointed by the Church Senate for four years. The convention has 13 members. The chairman convenes the Convention at least twice a year. The regional bishop and the regional church office are to be invited to the meetings. The Academy Director takes part in the meetings in an advisory capacity.

Thematic spectrum

The academy holds around 80 events a year. She develops the thematic spectrum of her conferences in the work areas of the study management from the reflection of what claims or gains validity in public discourse. The thematic spectrum includes: Church and society, religion and theology, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, spirituality and meditation, state and society, peacekeeping and civil conflict management, international relations, legal policy, migration and integration, economic and social policy, health policy, international economic relations, Labor market policy, youth policy and research, upbringing, child and youth education, training, school and university system, dialogue between generations, science and society, ecology and environmental policy, research, ethics and law, art and music, literature and theater, cultural policy, media and communication.

Cooperation partner

The academy works with a wide variety of partners (over 100), including, for example: The Working Group of Christian Churches in Germany , Federal Center for Civic Education , Comenius Institute , German Federal Environmental Foundation , Paul Tillich Society , German Association of Cities , Diakonisches Werk der EKD , Research center of the Evangelical Study Community , House of Church Services , Heinrich Böll Foundation , Social Science Institute of the EKD , Theological Faculty of the University of Basel , United Nations Environment Program , Center for European Economic Research .

Cooperation between the regional church institutions in Loccum

The Loccum Academy, the Loccum Religious Education Institute and the Pastoral College are administered by a joint administrative office.

Steering Committee

The heads of the institutions and the administrative office as well as four representatives of the regional church office form the management committee. The Conventual Director of Studies of the Loccum Monastery can take part in the meetings in an advisory capacity. A representative of the regional church office chairs the meeting. The steering committee draws up guidelines , advises on the budget and establishment plan and ensures the coordination of conference and study work. It regulates the ongoing use, the maintenance of the buildings and properties and the deployment of personnel.

Leader conference

As a subcommittee, the heads of the institutions form the leaders' conference, which is primarily responsible for coordinating the conference and study work.


Two directors until 1962.

The director chairs the study management and is a member of the management committee of the regional church institutions in Loccum. He is appointed by the regional church office in consultation with the convention and after hearing the management committee for six years.

  • 1946–1961: Johannes Doehring
  • 1948–1954: Adolf Wischmann
  • 1955–1972: Hans Bolewski
  • 1961–1962: Gottfried Klapper
  • 1972–1978: Hans Storck
  • 1978-1994: Hans May
  • 1994–2010: Fritz Erich Anhelm
  • since 2010: Stephan Schaede (* 1964)


  • Peter Dienel (1923-2006) was the director of studies from 1961 to 1968
  • Olaf Schwencke was the director of studies from 1969 to 1991

Center for Health Ethics

The center for health ethics at the Evangelical Academy Loccum of the ev.-luth. Regional Church of Hanover (ZfG), founded in 1995, is a central service and research facility with an interdisciplinary approach. The ZfG works in the areas of health care and economics, old age, end of life and palliative care, reproductive medicine, human genetics and transplantation, as well as ethical advice in hospitals and care facilities. The staff of the ZfG organize events (including in cooperation with the Academy for Ethics in Medicine Göttingen) on the subject areas, advise and offer advanced training. The center for health ethics is based in the Hanns-Lilje-Haus in Hanover. It is led by a philosopher and medical ethicist. A board of trustees accompanies and supervises the work of the ZfG.

Corvinus Foundation

The Corvinus Foundation was established on November 19, 2005. The aim of the foundation is to promote the work of the academy. The foundation capital is currently (2012) over EUR 623,000. The foundation is run by a board of trustees.


In April 2013 the Academy had planned a conference to "Strengthen Iranian Civil Society", to which the Iranian Ambassador to Germany, Ali Reza Sheikh Attar, and a representative of the Iranian Foreign Ministry were invited. Various organizations and individuals had sharply criticized the invitation from representatives of the Iranian regime.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.kirchenrecht-evlka.de/showdocument/id/20955
  2. http://www.kirchenrecht-evlka.de/showdocument/id/20955
  3. http://www.loccum.de/akademie/geschichte/geschichte.html
  4. http://www.zfg-hannover.de/
  5. Archived copy ( Memento from September 16, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  6. http://www.loccum.de/programm/p1317.html
  7. http://de.stopthebomb.net/de/evangelische-akademie.html