Gerhard Merzyn

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Gerhard Merzyn (born May 21, 1918 in Kassel ; † January 29, 1983 in Alicante ) was a founding member and first director of Haus Rissen .

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Gerhard Merzyn was the son of an Oberlandeskirchenrat of the same name. After finishing school he worked from 1936 to 1945 as a career officer in Kassel. From 1943 to 1934 Merzyn studied law and political science at the Humboldt University in Berlin . Since he was unable to successfully complete his studies for health reasons, he reoriented himself professionally after the end of the Second World War . He initially taught English, English history and literature at an interpreting seminar in Hanover . He then took over the management of a wine-growing and wine trading company for some time and headed the Hanoverian America House from 1950 to early summer 1952 . Then he moved to the American Consulate, where he worked as a public affairs officer in the Department of Culture. During this time he made numerous contacts with parties, organizations and institutions in Lower Saxony.

In 1954, Hamburg personalities from business, politics, science and the media founded the Haus Rissen Institute , based in Hamburg-Rissen . Gerhard Merzyn was one of the founding members due to personal contacts and became the first director of the facility. Merzyn, who followed the principle of respect for those who think differently, had a lasting impact on what is now the internationally known institution. He attached particular importance to the fact that members of the Bundeswehr could take part in mixed seminars. To this end, he established seminar events, open evenings, concerts and trips that led to politically significant places such as Bonn , Berlin , Brussels and Paris . In the first few years after its founding, Merzyn was able to attract renowned national and international speakers such as Helmut Thielicke , Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker , Franz Josef Strauss and Walter Scheel for specialist lectures and seminars.

From 1956 to 1983 Gerhard Merzyn published the Rissener Rundbriefe and the Rissener Jahrbucher without interruption , which connected friends and supporters of the institute with its staff. In addition to managing the institute, Merzyn went on extensive study and lecture trips that took him to several continents. During the travels he dealt with local problems, deepened his country-specific knowledge and made contacts with decision-makers. Upon invitation, he repeatedly took part in important conferences and symposia such as the Bergedorf Round Table. In 1968 Merzyn was one of the most important founding members of the Club of Rome , whose German section he co-founded in 1978.

Gerhard Merzyn has received several awards for his work. The US Department of Information awarded him a Medal of Merit in 1955 for his activities in Hanover. In 1975 he received the Freiherr vom Stein Gold Medal in Hamburg.
