Gerhart Mall

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Gerhart or Gerhard Devasahayam Mall (born February 23, 1909 in Codacal , India ; † February 7, 1983 in Klingenmünster ) was a German psychiatrist , neurologist and psychologist .


Gerhard D. Mall was the son of the missionary Daniel Mall and his wife Lydia, nee Müller. He finished his school career in 1929 at the Realgymnasium in Schwäbisch Gmünd with the Abitur. He then completed a degree in medicine and psychology at the University of Tübingen , which he completed in 1935 with a medical state examination. He was awarded a Dr. phil. and in 1938 Dr. med. PhD . He then worked as a department doctor at the University Neurological Clinic in Marburg with Ernst Kretschmer and also worked with Wilhelm Pfannenstiel on his air force research. As a result of his habilitation , he was a private lecturer in neurology and psychiatry in Marburg from 1942.

Mall joined the NSDAP at the time of National Socialism in 1937 . He was also a member of the HJ and the NSKK and was a district youth officer at the DAF . In October 1940 he wrote to the state hospital in Weissenau and asked in his letters that his brother, the former theology student Georg Mall, who had been suffering from mental illness for many years, was euthanized . Although his request was initially rejected (Wilhelm Weskott, the director of the state sanatorium and SA-Sanitäts-Hauptsturmführer, wrote to the Ministry of the Interior that he considered Mall's request "unfulfillable for fundamental reasons"), but Mall's brother advised one of the transports to the Grafeneck gassing establishment Mall continued to pursue the killing of his brother. On December 5, 1940, Georg Mall was finally murdered in the gas chamber of the Grafeneck killing center .

After the end of the Second World War , Gerhard Mall moved to the University of Tübingen, where he became first senior physician at the University Psychiatric Clinic in Tübingen under Ernst Kretschmer . From 1949 he also taught in Tübingen as an adjunct professor of neurology and psychiatry. In 1949 he was one of the founding members of the Society for Constitution Research . From 1952 to 1971 he was medical advisor and director of the Palatinate State Clinic Landeck in Klingenmünster . He then ran his private clinic in Klingenmünster.

Since 1936 he was married to Elisabeth, nee Zwanger. Mall's most important writings are Constitution and Affect from 1936 and The Face of the Mentally Ill from 1967.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Who is who? : The German who's who. Volume 19, Schmidt-Römhild, 1976, p. 605.
  2. a b c Ernst Klee: The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 475.
  3. ^ Ernst Klee : German Medicine in the Third Reich. Careers before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2001, ISBN 3-10-039310-4 , p. 258 (quoted).
  4. Theo R. Payk: psychiatrist - Researchers in the labyrinth of the soul. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-17016-684-0 , p. 89.
  5. ^ Obituary in: Attempto: Nachrichten für die Freunde der Tübingen University , issues 69, 70 or 71, 1983 pp. 68f.