Gerhart Marckhgott

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Gerhart Marckhgott (born January 28, 1953 in Linz ) is an Austrian archivist and historian .


Gerhart Marckhgott studied at the University of Linz and Vienna Jus , classical philology and history . He wrote his dissertation at the University of Vienna in History and received his doctorate 1979th From 1978 he worked on the “Acta Pataviensia Austriaca” project in Vienna. In 1980 he finished his training at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research . In 1981 Marckhgott got a job at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Urban History Research in Linz, and in 1984 in the contemporary history department in the Upper Austrian State Archives . From 2003 until his retirement in 2015 he was director of the Upper Austrian Provincial Archives.

Marckhgott wrote scientific publications on Upper Austrian history and on archival topics.

Publications (selection)

  • "High Free" in Upper Austria. Genealogical-topographical study of the political situation of the Upper Austrian central area in the first half of the 12th century. In: Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz 1981. Linz 1982, pp. 11–38, online (PDF) in the forum
  • The early Polheimers. In: Yearbook of the Wels Museum Association 1982/83. Volume 24, Wels 1984, pp. 27-37, online (PDF) in the forum
  • Foreign fellow citizens. The beginnings of d. Israelite religious community Linz-Urfahr 1849–1877. In: Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz 1984. Linz 1985, pp. 285–309, online (PDF) in the forum
  • Bishop Pilgrim (971–991): Realpolitik and Lorcher legend. In: Church in Upper Austria. Catalog. 1985.
  • Sources on the early days of the textile industry in Upper Austria. In: Communications from the Upper Austrian Provincial Archives. Linz 1986.
  • Child labor using the example of Upper Austria. In: work / man / machine. Upper Austrian State Exhibition Steyr. 1987.
  • From the manor to the district administration. In: The Mühlviertel. Upper Austrian provincial exhibition. Linz 1988, pp. 297-302, PDF on ZOBODAT
  • The beginnings of modern filing and archiving in the state above the Enns. In: Communications from the Upper Austrian Provincial Archives. Volume 17, Linz 1993, online (PDF) in the forum
  • ... of the hollowness of leisurely life. New material about the Hitler family in Linz. In: Yearbook of the Upper Austrian Museum Association. Volume 138, Linz 1993, pp. 267-277, PDF on ZOBODAT
  • Euthanasia in Upper Danube. In: Contemporary History. 1994.
  • The "Gauarchiv Oberdonau". Construction and destruction of the NSDAP party archives in Upper Danube. In: Communications from the Upper Austrian Provincial Archives. Volume 19, Linz 2000, pp. 297–358, online (PDF) in the forum
  • The Upper Austrian Archive Act. In: Scrinium. Journal of the Association of Austrian Archivists (VÖA). 2004.
  • Knowledge spaces in the archive. Considerations for the future of archival indexing. In: Archival Journal. 2006.
  • From servant to service provider. Thoughts on a new self-confidence of the archives. In: Archives on the Web - Experiences, Challenges, Visions. Ed .: Thomas Aigner, Stefanie Hohenbruck, Thomas Just and Joachim Kemper. 2011.
  • From the central registry to the administrative archive. In: Annual report of the Upper Austrian Provincial Archives 2011. Linz 2012.
  • Digitization in the archive - an attempt at objectification. In: Scrinium. Journal of the Association of Austrian Archivists. 2013.

Collaboration or co-author

  • Josef Lenzenweger , Martin C. Mandlmayr, Gerhart Marckhgott: Acta Pataviensia Austriaca. Vatican files on the history of the Diocese of Passau and the Dukes of Austria (1342–1378). Volume III Urban V. (1362-1370) , Vienna 1996.
  • Willibald Katzinger , Monika Klepp, Gerhart Marckhgott, Erika Sokolicek: The history of the Academic Gymnasium Linz. Trauner Verlag, Linz 1998.
  • Brigitte Kepplinger , Gerhart Marckhgott, Hartmut Reese: Hartheim killing center . 2nd, expanded edition, 2008.
  • Hermann Hold , Gerhart Marckhgott: Acta Pataviensia Austriaca. Vatican files on the history of the Diocese of Passau and the Dukes of Austria (1342–1378). Volume IV Gregory XI. (1370-1378) , Vienna 2014.

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