Gero curate

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Gero Kurat (born November 18, 1938 in Klagenfurt , † November 27, 2009 in Vienna ) was an Austrian mineralogist .

Live and act

Kurat studied from 1957 to 1963 at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Vienna and received his doctorate in 1963 with the thesis "The Weinsberger Granite in the southern Austrian Moldanubian". phil. Since 1962 worked at the mineralogical-petrographic department of the Natural History Museum in Vienna . In 1968 he was appointed head of this department as the successor to Hubert Scholler , an office which he held for 35 years until he left in 2003. He recognized early on the potential of the electron beam microprobe, which was ready for series production in the 1960s, for examining mineralogical samples. With the acquisition of a microprobe in 1974, he was able to implement his ideas of converting the mineralogical-petrographic department into a modern research institute. He had some experience a. 1970/1971 during a research stay at the Institute of Meteoritics of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque , where extensive investigations in connection with the Apollo program were carried out under the direction of Klaus Keil . In 1976 he became a lecturer at the University of Vienna. In 1989 he was awarded the title of “Extraordinary University Professor at the University of Vienna”. He was also a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 1995 , and an internationally recognized scientist. He mainly dealt with meteorites, interplanetary dust (micrometeorites) and the earth's mantle.


Publications (selection)

His list of publications includes 530 scientific papers, including 365 short articles, as well as 15 popular scientific papers.

  • with Herbert Palme, B. Spettel, H. Baddenhausen, H. Hofmeister, C. Palme and Heinrich Wänke: Geochemistry of ultramafic xenoliths from Kapfenstein, Austria: Evidence for a variety of upper mantle processes. In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. , Volume 44, 1980, pp. 45-60.
  • with Alfred Kracher and Klaus Keil : Luna 16 microbreccia lithic fragments: Samples of an early basalt filling of Mare Fecunditatis. In: Tschermaks mineralogical and petrographic communications. Volume 27, 1980, pp. 41-66.
  • with Ernst Pernicka and I. Herrwerth: Chondrules from Chainpur (LL-3): reduced parent rocks and vapor fractionation. In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Volume 68, 1984, pp. 43-56.
  • Geochemistry of chondrules: Fractionation processes in the early solar system. Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress, Volume 11, 1984, pp. 155-197.
  • Primitive meteorites: an attempt towards unification. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London , Volume A325, 1988, 459-482.
  • Michel Maurette, C. Olinger, M. Christophe Michel-Levy, Gero Kurat, M. Pourcheti, F. Brandstätter and M. Bourot-Denise: A collection of diverse micrometeorites recovered from 100 tonnes of Antarctic blue ice. In: Nature. Volume 351, 1991, pp. 44-47.
  • with ME Varela, F. Brandstätter, G. Weckwerth, RN Clayton, HW Weber, L. Schultz, E. Laundry and MA Nazarov: D'Orbigny: A non-igneous angritic achondrite? In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Volume 68, 2004, pp. 1901-1921.


  • Robert Seemann, Franz Brandstätter and Gerhard Niedermayr : In memoriam Gero Kurat . In: Annals of the Natural History Museum in Vienna, Series A . tape 112 , p. 1–54 ( PDF; 1.7 MB ).
  • Franz Brandstätter, Christian Koeberl and Herbert Palme: Obituary. Gero Kurat (1938-2009) . In: Meteoritics & Planetary Science . tape 45 , p. 333-335 ( PDF; 99.4 kB ).

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