Gerth Biese

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Gerth Biese (born August 20, 1901 in Karlsruhe , † March 11, 1980 in Tübingen ) was a German painter of classical modernism and art teacher. Gerth Biese was married to the painter Valeska Biese .

Biese first studied at the arts and crafts school in Karlsruhe and then worked as a scientific draftsman at the Archaeological Institute of the University of Tübingen . From 1919 he took drawing lessons at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart, among others with Robert Poetzelberger, and from 1922 at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe with Hans Adolf Bühler and Hermann Gehri . In 1924, Biese moved back to Stuttgart to work with Christian Landenberger and Robert Breyer .

From 1926 onwards, Biese worked as a scientific draftsman at the Geological Institute of the University of Tübingen, the Archaeological Institute of the Universities of Leipzig and Marburg, and the Art History Museum of the University of Würzburg. In 1936, Biese and his wife moved to Tübingen. In 1937, among other things, his painting “Lovers” from 1932 in the State Gallery in Stuttgart was declared degenerate and confiscated. After serving as a soldier in World War II , Biese returned to Tübingen. From 1950 to 1970 he headed the drawing institute at the University of Tübingen. In 1977 he was appointed professor. In the same year he became a member of the Artists Association of Baden-Württemberg.

Biese was one of the most prominent artists of classical modernism in southwest Germany.


  • Evamarie Blattner: Gerth Biese. In: Evamarie Blattner, Wiebke Ratzeburg, Ernst Seidl (ed.): Artists for students. Pictures of the university drawing teachers 1780–2012 , Stadtmuseum Tübingen 2012 (= Tübingen catalogs no. 94), ISBN 978-3-941818-13-2 , pp. 105–111.

Web links

  • Kunsthandlung Wenke, Tübingen: Gerth Biese. Retrieved April 21, 2018 .