Gertrud von Kunowski

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Gertrud von Kunowski (née Eberstein ; born April 24, 1877 in Bromberg ; † June 17, 1960 in Schönau am Königssee ) was a German painter.


Gertrud Eberstein first attended the Breslau art school for a short time , then from 1895 onwards she was taught by lecturers at the “ Munich women's painting school ”. One of the lecturers was Friedrich Fehr and her later husband Lothar von Kunowski (* 1866; † 1936). In 1901 she founded a painting school in Munich under her maiden name "Gertrud Eberstein", after marrying Lothar von Kunowski in 1902 they continued the painting school together under the name "Kunowski". In 1904 they moved to Rome and 1905 to Berlin, each with the maintenance of a private painting school. When her husband was appointed professor and head of the Düsseldorf School of Applied Arts in 1909 , the couple moved there. Gertrud von Kunowski was “active as an artist” in Düsseldorf until 1936, headed the pre-seminar and seminar for portrait painting at the School of Applied Arts and participated in at least two of her husband's programmatic book publications. After the death of her husband, she moved her home and work to Schönau am Koenigssee , which she had previously visited with him as a summer retreat and often with students. Contemporary witnesses reported that Gertrud von Kunowski not only staged her art, but also herself - dressed in clothes and hats she had designed herself, she had floated through neighboring Berchtesgaden like a “colorful bird of paradise”.

Gertrud von Kunowski died on June 17, 1960 in Schönau am Königssee and was buried within this community in the mountain cemetery.

The inheritance management of her works is currently in the hands of her great-nephew Reinhardt Rudershausen, who lives in Schondorf and who in turn appointed the painter and gallery owner Peter Karger in Berchtesgaden to supervise the entire estate in 1992.


As early as 1901 she took part in an exhibition of the artists' association " Munich Secession ", which was followed by numerous solo exhibitions in well-known galleries such as those of Flechtheim in Düsseldorf and Gurlitt in Berlin. Some of her works (including watercolors and drawings) have been part of the library of the Museum für Kunsthandwerk in Leipzig since 1912 . The large-format painting “The Painting School” from 1912, which is shown in her studio in Düsseldorf, was acquired by the Bauhaus archive after her death .

In the decades of her work, numerous works by her have received very positive reviews, and two years after her death she honored the Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus in Munich with a solo exhibition. An article in the time of 1988, she was beside Kathe Kollwitz and Sabine Lepsius recognized as one of those artists who in the late 19th century had drawn attention to themselves and their painting "clearly out of line often mediocre or simply incidental works" protruded.

After what was probably her last participation in an exhibition as part of the annual exhibition of the Berchtesgadener Künstlerbund in 1955 and the posthumous exhibition in 1962 in the Lehnbachhaus, the estate caretaker Peter Karger u. a. In 2005 again a first major “memorial exhibition” of her works in the Berchtesgadener Heimatmuseum . "She could see under the skin," praised u. a. Walter Angerer the Younger the artist at the opening of the exhibition and was enthusiastic about "the ability of the Kunowski to give soul to her pictures, even the sketches and drafts".


  • Light and brightness . Together with Lothar von Kunowski . 390 pages. 8 panels. Diederichs, Jena 1906. DNB 99835936X
  • Our art school . Together with Lothar von Kunowski and 87 plates in collotype technology from original works by Gertrud von Kunowski. 218 pages. Dr. Albrecht von Kunowski, Publishing House for National Stenography, 1910.

Posthumous exhibitions


  • Klara Schiller, Gerda Moninger: Gertrud von Kunowski - life and work . Biography and life dates, 87 blackboard descriptions from Our Art School , a catalog raisonné comprising 563 numbers, a list of pictures known only through photos (76 numbers) and a list of pictures that cannot be found (217 numbers). With colored and black and white illustrations. Self-published by Klara Schiller, Ulm 1988 DNB 891115900
  • Herbert Eulenberg : The Kunowskis . About Lothar and Gertrud von Kunowski. Manuscript in the Heinrich Heine Institute , Düsseldorf

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c short vita of Gertrud von Kunowski
  2. a b c Peter Karger: Life and work of Gertrud von Kunowski, geb. Eberstein (1877-1960)
  3. Eberstein, Gertrud, painter, b. April 24, 1877 in Bromberg. Pupil at the Fehr painting school in Munich (1896–1898) , in general artist lexicon. Supplements and corrections, Frankfurt a. M., Literary Institution, Rütten & Loening, 1906, p. 79
  4. a b Hans Wolfgang Singer (Ed.), General Artist Lexicon , Frankfurt am Main, 5th unchanged. Ed. 1921, p. 168 f.
  5. a b c d Dieter Meister: An overlooked great master in Berchtesgadener Anzeiger , message from August 4, 2005
  6. The estate of Gertrude of Kunowski
  7. - see inventory history of the library of the Museum für Kunsthandwerk, section 1.3
  8. leaflet with picture samples, tabular curriculum vitae and essay: A forgotten Düsseldorf painter as a JPG image file for the exhibition at Kultur Bahnhof Eller ( Düsseldorf ) from April 21 to May 26, 2013
  9. Barbara Gaehtgens: Itself is the woman - on the Berlin exhibition “The hidden museum” in Die Zeit from January 29, 1988
  10. a b reference to posthumous exhibitions of posthumous works by Gertrud von Kunowski
  11. At light and brightness bibliographic information in the Google Book Search - thus Gertrude of Kunowski co-author of the book.
  12. Christian Holzner: Photo art and painting in Berchtesgaden  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Dead Link /   ; a contribution to the exhibition EVA MEETS GERTRUD in the gallery Ganghof ( Berchtesgaden ) for the regional television Upper Bavaria on July 27, 2012
  13. eMuseum