Lothar von Kunowski

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Lothar von Kunowski (born December 8, 1866 in Ober-Wilkau near Namslau , Province of Silesia , † 1936 in Düsseldorf ) was a German painter.


Lothar von Kunowski, a director's son from Wroclaw , attended the Latin school in Halle , first completed a scientific degree, then an artistic training at the academies in Wroclaw and Munich , where he enrolled in 1895 as a student at the Marr painting school . At the beginning of the 20th century he ran a private art school in Berlin and wrote books on art and techniques for art students. In 1909 Kunowski became a professor and head of the state drawing teacher seminar at the Düsseldorf School of Applied Arts , which was merged into the Düsseldorf Art Academy in 1919 . After leaving Berlin, Heinrich Richter-Berlin founded a painting school at the same address and introduced the L. v. System there . Kunowski continues. He was married to the artist Gertrud von Kunowski (* 1877, † 1960), who was involved in at least two of his programmatic book publications.

He published Through Art to Life and Our Art School . Through Art for Life consisted of several individual volumes, the first two of which were entitled Law, Freedom and Morality of Artistic Creation and A People of Geniuses . These two books were reviewed by Rudolf Steiner in the communications from the Association for Defense of Antisemitism 1901, Volume II, No. 52. Steiner thought much in these writings was immature and nothing new, but found the idealism that was expressed in them “extremely refreshing.” If Kunowski's first work could still have been misused to spread popular and racial antipathies, Steiner argued now satisfied that the author is z. B. spoke out firmly against anti-Semitism and called on all peoples to create art - albeit under the aegis of the Germans, as he demonstrated with a quote from Kunowski: “We Germans are determined that we reserve the shape of the world to be transformed for all peoples, all of them summon to carry out the work, especially the novels and Semites, to whom we owe the infinite, with whom we, unanimously in the infinite, will also expand the finitude of the earthly. The future of the German lies in this loving justice, his world empire lies secure, his rejuvenation to a new person, to a new people. "

Kunowski also commented programmatically on objects of daily use, such as the telephone : "The owner of the telephone or a telegraph will become a pointless gossip if the artful design of these devices or their surroundings do not force them to entrust them only with things that are worthy."


Lothar von Kunowski's students included Gerd Arntz , Otto Freundlich , Heinrich Kamps , Lothar Homeyer , Anton Lamprecht , Robert Pudlich , Heinrich Richter-Berlin , Kurt Hermann Rosenberg (* 1884), Arnold Topp , Werner Vogel , Albert Wigand , John Dähmcke and Anton Räderscheidt .


  • Through art to life . Volumes 1-8. Eugen Diederichs Verlag, Jena DNB 998359300
    • Volume 1: Law, Freedom and Morality of Artistic Creation . 220 pages. Diederichs, Leipzig 1901 DNB 998359424
    • Volume 2: A people of geniuses . Jena 1901
    • Volume 3: Creative Art . Diederichs, Leipzig 1902
    • Volume 4:
    • Volume 5: Light and Brightness . Together with Gertrud von Kunowski . 390 pages. 8 panels. Diederichs, Jena 1906. DNB 99835936X
    • Volume 6:
    • Volume 7: Rhythm and Illustrations. Principles of my drawing school. Eugen Diederichs Verlag, Leipzig 1903
    • Volume 8:
  • Our art school . Together with Gertrud von Kunowski. 218 pages. Dr. Albrecht von Kunowski , Publishing House for National Stenography , 1910
  • Orpheus: Philosophy of Art and Art Education. Diederichs, Jena 1925
  • The art college. Introduction to the course and objectives. Publishing house of the State Art Academy in Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf 1929


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DKA inventory list (PDF; 136 kB)
  2. Francke Foundations
  3. matriculation Lothar von Kunowski: scan of Matrikeleintrags. Retrieved January 20, 2015 .
  4. a b c Otto Freundlich: Writings. , Cologne, DuMont, 1982.
  5. Painting schools . In: Herwarth Walden (ed.): The storm . Weekly for culture and the arts. tape 1 , no. 4 . Der Sturm, Halensee March 24, 2010, p. 31 , left center column ( princeton.edu [accessed on September 21, 2019]).
  6. a b Steiner's review
  7. Always factual  ( page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.immer-schoen-sachlich.de
  8. ^ Arntz 'biography
  9. Kindly, Otto . In: East German Biography (Kulturportal West-Ost)
  10. Kamps' biography
  11. ^ Lamprecht's biography
  12. Pudlich's biography ( memento from August 26, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  13. ^ General Artist Lexicon, p. 239.
  14. ^ Topps biography
  15. Wigand's biography ( Memento from May 4, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  16. General Artist Lexicon , p. 59
  17. Ulrich S. Soénius (Ed.): Kölner Personen-Lexikon . Greven-Verl, Cologne 2008, ISBN 978-3-7743-0400-0 , p. 433 .
  18. Lothar Kunowski: Light and Brightness. Diederichs, 1906 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  19. eMuseum