German Coordination Council of the Societies for Christian-Jewish Cooperation

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Study conference "For God's sake - Religion in a secular society" of the DKR 2015 in Hanover ;
from left: Petra Kunik , Andreas Nachama and Eva-Maria Schulz-Jander

In Germany, 83 local and regional societies for Christian-Jewish cooperation with currently around 20,000 members have come together in the umbrella organization of the German Coordination Council of Societies for Christian-Jewish Cooperation ( DKR ) . You are committed to Judeo-Christian dialogue and cooperation between Christians and Jews, as well as coming to terms with the Holocaust .


The DKR was founded on November 10, 1949 based on the American model and with financial support from the National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) and is based in Bad Nauheim . The sculptor Knud Knudsen was its literary director and first managing director. In the early 1950s, Hermann Ebeling , who emigrated from Germany and played a major role in organizing the first national fraternity week in 1952, was the liaison between the DKR and the NCCJ.

A later general secretary (early 1990s) was Josef Foschepoth , who in 1993 presented a study entitled In the Shadow of the Past , which primarily deals critically with the founding history and the founding myths of the DKR.


Since 1952, the Societies for Christian-Jewish Cooperation have held the Week of Fraternity every March.

The DKR is the largest single member of the International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ), in which 32 national associations for Christian-Jewish cooperation are represented. They are also increasingly dedicated to the so-called Abrahamic dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims, for which the ICCJ can provide models based on its many years of experience in interreligious dialogue.

The respective Federal President acts as the patron of the German Coordination Council .

The DKR awards the renowned Buber Rosenzweig Medal every year . In 1989 the companies that are represented in the DKR founded the Buber-Rosenzweig Foundation. In 1992 the foundation opened its own training and conference center in Bad Nauheim. The house is also open to other organizers who work for the Foundation.


Eva-Maria Schulz-Jander , here with the historian and political scientist Matthias Küntzel ; during the study conference "For God's sake - Religion in a secular society"

The DKR Presidium consisted of:

Since May 2016, the DKR Presidium has consisted of:

Societies for Christian-Jewish Cooperation (selection)

Similar activities in other countries

Hans Ornstein (1893–1952), a native of Vienna who fled to Switzerland in 1938, was the founder of the Christian-Jewish Working Group to Combat Anti-Semitism in Switzerland in 1946 . In France, the Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France is active in a similar way to the coordinating committee for Christian-Jewish cooperation in Austria founded in 1956 by Cardinal Franz König as the department of the Catholic peace movement Pax Christi .



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. On the NCCJ see the article in the English-language WIKIPEDIA: en: National Conference for Community and Justice
  2. Josef Foschepoth: In the shadow of the past , p. 14
  3. see homepage of GfCJZ Berlin
  4. Ewald Wirth (responsible): Welcome! Shalom! , on the page stored in many versions in the Internet Archive
  5. Brigitta Wirsbitzki, Michael Brocke: History of the Moers Jews after 1933 , published by the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation Moers, with a contribution by Michael Brocke to the Jewish cemetery. Bredow , Moers 1991; 2nd edition 1982, ISBN 3-87067-440-7 .
  6. ^ Zsolt Keller: Hans Ornstein. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . October 27, 2009 , accessed March 7, 2016 . Not identical to the Hamburg manager Hans Ornstein (1892–1972), also from Vienna .