Ghalym Bainasarov

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Ghalym Bainasaruly Bainasarow ( Kazakh Ғалым Байназарұлы Байназаров , Russian Галым Байназарович Байназаров Galym Bainasarowitsch Bainasarow * 17th September 1944 ) is a Kazakh economist and bank managers. From 1992 to 1993 he was the first President of the Kazakh National Bank .


Ghalym Bainasarov was born in 1944 in Shangeldi County in what is now the Qostanai region. He graduated from the Alma-Ata Institute of Economics in 1969 .

He began his professional career as an employee of Gosbank , the central bank of the Soviet Union. Here he worked as a credit checker until 1976 and finally as head of the regional department in Turgai Oblast . He then went to the Gosbank branch in Arkalyk . From 1985 to 1987 he was deputy head and then head of the Kazakh office of the Soviet Central Bank. After a reorganization of the banking system in the Kazakh Soviet Republic, Bainasarow became the first deputy chairman of Kazagroprombank.

After Kazakhstan's independence from the Soviet Union, he was appointed the first President of the Kazakh National Bank on January 20, 1992 . Here he was instrumental in the introduction of the national currency tenge . On December 20, 1993, he was replaced at the head of the National Bank by Däulet Zembayev . He was then an advisor to the Kazakh Prime Minister and from 1995 to 1996 he worked as an advisor to the Economic Policy Department of the Presidential Administration. Between 1996 and 1998 he worked as director of the foreign investment department for Kaspotshtabank and from 1997 to 1998 Bainasarov was general director of the finance and investment company Artem. Between 1999 and 2002 he held the post of chairman of a national fund of Kazakhstan. Then worked in a consultancy role. Since January 2002 he was a member of the Mäschilis , where he was a member of the Committee for Economic Reform and Regional Development. In November 2004 he resigned as a member of parliament.

Individual evidence

  1. Байназаров Галым Байназарович , accessed on October 1, 2018 (Russian).
  2. Байназаров Галым Байназарович , accessed October 1, 2018 (Russian).