Giacomo Piccolomini

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Giacomo Cardinal Piccolomini

Giacomo Piccolomini (born July 31, 1795 in Siena , † August 17, 1861 ibid) was an Italian cardinal of the Roman Church .


Giacomo Piccolomini came from the noble family of Piccolomini , from which the Popes Pius II and Pius III. as well as the cardinals Giovanni Piccolomini , Celio Piccolomini and Enea Silvio Piccolomini had emerged. He was the second of six children of Giulio Cesare Amadori Piccolomini and his wife Giovanna Jackson. His last name is also reproduced as Piccolomini Amadori and as Amadori Piccolomini .

From 1816 to 1818 he studied at the Pontifical Academy for Ecclesiastical Nobles . After holding various positions in the administration of the Papal States , he became the 1838 House Prelate of His Holiness appointed. The date of his ordination is not known.

Pope Gregory XVI created Piccolomini in the consistory of July 22nd, 1844 in pectore as cardinal, the appointment being published on November 24th of the following year. He was assigned the titular church of Santa Balbina . Piccolomini took part in the conclave of 1846 , which Pope Pius IX. chose. On October 4, 1847, he moved to the titular church of San Marco .

Giacomo Piccolomini died of the effects of paralysis and was buried in the Cathedral of Siena .

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