Giancarlo Collet

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Giancarlo Collet (born February 21, 1945 in Brunnen ) is a Catholic theologian from Switzerland .

Scientific career

Giancarlo Collet studied philosophy and Catholic theology in Zurich , Lucerne and Tübingen . In 1983 he was (at Walter Kasper ) with a thesis on the understanding of mission of the Church in the current debate as a doctor of theology doctorate .

From 1983 to 1985 Collet was a lecturer at the Missiological Institute of the Universidad Intercontinental in Mexico City . From 1985 to 1988 he worked as a project manager in the research team of the RomeroHaus education center of the Bethlehem Mission Immensee in Lucerne (named after Archbishop Óscar Romero ). From 1988 onwards he was director of the Institute for Mission Studies at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Münster . In 2010, Collet retired.

Collet is u. a. Member of the International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS), the German Society for Mission Studies ( DGMW) and the Theological Commission of the Evangelical Missionary Work (EMW).


Collet tries to convey issues of liberation theology and the so-called Third World theologies into European theological debates. To break up the Eurocentrism of theology, he speaks of “Christianities” in the plural. His focus is on the migratory movements that lead to changes in religion and church worldwide. In these changes, Collet sees the opportunity to break up the ethnocentrism of the European Church in order to “come to a better mutual perception and finally to a solidary commitment for the common good of all”.

Fonts (selection)

  • The Church's Understanding of Mission in the Current Discussion. Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, Mainz 1984, ISBN 3-7867-1127-5 ( Tübingen theological studies. Volume 24).
  • as Ed .: The Christ of the Poor. The Christ testimony of the Latin American liberation theologians . Herder-Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau 1988, ISBN 3-451-21149-1 .
  • as editor: Theologies of the Third World. EATWOT as a challenge to western theology and the church. Immensee 1990, ISBN 3-85824-069-9 ( New journal for missiology . Supplementa 37).
  • with Justin Rechsteiner (Ed.): To forget means to betray. Memories of Oscar A. Romero on the 10th anniversary of his death. Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal 1990, ISBN 3-87294-427-4 .
  • with Heinz-Günter Stobbe (Ed.): Impunity - Justice - Forgiveness. Christian Paths to Reconciliation? EOS-Verlag, St. Ottilien 1996, ISBN 3-88096-417-3 .
  • Hope for some - threat for others? Comments on the reception of Latin American liberation theology. In: Raúl Fornet-Betancourt (ed.): Liberation theology. Critical review and perspectives for the future. 3rd volume. Matthias Grünewald Verlag, Mainz 1997, ISBN 3-7867-1975-6 , pp. 163-174.
  • Historical models of the mission. In: Klaus Schäfer (Ed.): Plea for mission. Contributions to understanding mission today. EMW, Hamburg 1998, ISSN  1430-6530 , pp. 43-55. ( World Mission Today. Volume 35)
  • “... to the limits of the earth.” Basic questions of today's missiology. Herder-Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau a. a. 2002, ISBN 3-451-27929-0 .
  • Liberation Theology. "From the break-in of the poor into history" On the emergence of liberation theologies. In: Theologies of the Present. Darmstadt 2006, ISBN 3-534-15803-2 , pp. 7-52.
  • San Romero de America. Symbol of lived solidarity. In: Klaus Hagedorn (Ed.): Oscar Romero. Integrated - between death and life. BIS-Verlag, Oldenburg 2006, pp. 13–32.
  • Implications of the global transformation of Christianity for the Roman Catholic Church. In: Berlin Theological Journal. 27 (2010) pp. 71-88.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ RomeroHaus: About Us ( Memento from October 5, 2011 in the Internet Archive ). Website of the RomeroHaus Luzern. Retrieved January 22, 2011.
  2. a b to think Christianity in the diversity of cultures . Website of the University of Münster. Retrieved January 22, 2011.