Giovanni Maria Trabaci

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Giovanni Maria Trabaci (* around 1575 in Montepeloso , Province of Matera , † December 31, 1647 in Naples ) was an Italian composer .

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Giovanni Maria Trabaci was a pupil of Giovanni de Macque (around 1550-1614), joined the chapel of the Santissima Casa dell'Annunziata church in Naples in 1594 as a singer and was also organist at the Oratorio dei Filippini. In 1601 he became organist and in 1614 Kapellmeister of the Royal Chapel of the Court of Naples. In the history of Italian organ music in the early 17th century, Trabaci is considered a representative of the typical Neapolitan canzon . Among other things, he published two volumes of works that were originally intended for keyboard instruments, but can be played in different instrumentations. His passions are an unusually independent contribution to this genre in its Latin form for the 17th century.


  • 2 books Ricercate, canzone francese, capricci and others for keyboard instruments (Naples 1603 and 1615)
  • Motets for 5 to 8 voices (Naples 1602)
  • Masses and motets for 4 voices (Naples 1605, with basso continuo 1616)
  • 2 books madrigals for 5 voices (Naples 1606 and 1611)
  • Villanelles for 3 to 4 voices (Naples 1606)
  • 2 books Vesperpsalms and Mass for 4 voices and basso continuo (Venice 1608 and 1630)
  • Sylva harmonica , arrangement of earlier motets for 1 voice and basso continuo (Naples 1609)
  • Passions based on the four evangelists (Naples 1634), here evangelist 3 voices, the other characters unanimously chorale, turba 4 voices with instruments to be doubled ad libitum.



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