Giovanni Meneghetti

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Giovanni Meneghetti (born February 12, 1731 in Vicenza , † December 4, 1794 ibid) was an Italian composer and violinist .


Giovanni Meneghetti was born as the son of the conductor, organist and violinist Gaetano Meneghetti. Like his father, Giovanni Meneghetti was an organist and conductor, but above all a very talented violinist. From 1755 onwards, apart from a period of longer trips abroad, he worked at the Church of Santa Corona in Vicenza between 1770 and 1783. Between 1757 and 1764 he was also organist at the local Jesuit monastery.

The local historian Andrea Alvera wrote in the first edition of his Giornale biografico di Vicenza in 1827 that Meneghetti celebrated great successes on several trips through Europe, at the courts of Munich and Vienna , and that he had turned down several honorable positions, including the one at the Munich court.

The surviving works by Meneghetti include six concertos for violin and strings, sonatas for violin and basso continuo and harpsichord sonatas , which are reminiscent of the works of his contemporary Baldassare Galuppi . Meneghetti also created masses , oratorios, motets , a requiem and, in 1757, the cantata Gli elogi della musica for the “Accademia Armonica de Vicence”

His father Gaetano Meneghetti , whose life data are not yet available, was mentioned in 1732 as a choirmaster in Vicenza. 14 sonatas for violin and basso continuo from 1717 and two violin concertos have survived.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ G. Arnaldi, M. Pastore Stocchi (eds.): Storia della Cultura Veneta , 5/1, Neri Pozza, Vicenza 1985. p. 447.
  2. Francesco Passadore: Booklet for: Giovanni & Gaetano Meneghetti, Sonatas and Concertos for violin. Label Tactus, 2008.