Giovanni Poggi

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Giovanni Poggi (born February 11, 1880 in Florence , † March 27, 1961 ibid) was an Italian art historian and director of Florentine museums.


Giovanni Poggi studied at the Instituto di Studi Superiori di Firenze and received his degree ( Laurea ) in 1902 . He entered the service of the Italian cultural administration and initially worked at the Uffizi in Florence under the director Corrado Ricci . In January 1907 he took over the management of the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence. On December 1, 1910, he became head of the monument protection authority ( Soprintendente ) for the provinces of Florence, Lucca, Massa, Livorno, Arezzo and Pisa.

December 1913 in the Uffizi Gallery: Giovanni Poggi inspects the Mona Lisa

When Vincenzo Peruggia stole the Mona Lisa from the Louvre , at the end of 1913 Poggi and the Florentine art dealer Alfredo Geri helped return the work of art to the French owners.

In 1912 he was appointed director of the Uffizi in addition to his previous duties. He reorganized and reformed the administration of the museums in Florence. He set up a Galleria d'arte moderna , which was initially located at the Galleria dell'Accademia in 1913 and then moved to the Palazzo Pitti in 1924 . In 1919 he founded the Museo degli Argenti . In 1925 he was given the supervision of the art museums in Tuscany ( Soprintendente all'Arte medievale e moderna per la Toscana ). During the Second World War he was responsible for the protection and partial relocation of the holdings of the Florentine museums. In 1949 Poggi retired.

Poggi always saw the study of art history on the basis of sources that can be found in archives as his main scientific task, regardless of his heavy burden of administrative tasks. He made a special contribution as a scientist when he edited Michelangelo's letters . From 1918 he directed the work of a group of researchers on the subject. The first volume did not appear posthumously until 1965.

Fonts (selection)

  • Catalogo del Museo dell'Opera del Duomo. Nuova edizione ampliata ed arricchita di documenti . Barbera, Florence 1904.
  • Il Duomo di Firenze. Documenti sulla decorazione della chiesa e del campanile tratti dall'archivio dell'Opera . Berlin 1909.
  • Mostra del Cinquecento toscano in Palazzo Strozzi . Florence 1940.
  • Il carteggio di Michelangelo . Edizione postuma di Giovanni Poggi, ed. by Paola Barocchi and Renzo Ristori. 5 volumes, Sansoni, Florence 1965–1983.


  • Andrea Emiliani: Giovanni Poggi . In: Dizionario biografico dei soprintendenti storici dell'arte (1904–1974) . Bononia University Press, Bologna 2007, ISBN 978-88-7395-283-1 , pp. 17-29.
  • Elena Lombardi: L'archivio di Giovanni Poggi (1880–1961) Soprintendente alle Gallerie Fiorentine . Ed. Polistampa, Florence 2011, ISBN 978-88-596-0831-8 .
  • Elena Lombardi:  Poggi, Giovanni. In: Raffaele Romanelli (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 84:  Pio VI – Ponzo. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2015, pp. 469–473.

Web links

Commons : Giovanni Poggi  - collection of images, videos and audio files