Girolamo Baruffaldi

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Girolamo Baruffaldi

Girolamo Baruffaldi (born July 17, 1675 in Ferrara , † March 31, 1755 in Cento ) was an Italian clergyman , historian and poet .


Baruffaldi was ordained a priest in 1700 , but was also deeply involved in archeology , history, and literature . He published several books on the history of Ferrara as well as a number of verses in which he a. a. Denounced abuses in the Papal States. In doing so, he called upon influential opponents who in 1711 obtained his expulsion from the Papal States and the confiscation of his large collection of antiques, manuscripts and rare books. Baruffaldi then found refuge with friends in Veneto . He was rehabilitated in 1714, got his documents back and moved back to Ferrara, where he continued his work as a historian, canon lawyer and poet for the next 15 years. For some time he also held a chair at the University of Ferrara. From 1729 until his death he was archpriest in Cento , but continued to participate in literary life.

Works (selection)

Title page Il Canapajo (1741)
  • Dissertatio de poetis Ferrariensibus (1698)
  • Dell'istoria di Ferrara (1700)
  • Commentario istorico-erudito all'iscrizione eretta nel Almo studio di Ferrara l'anno 1704 (1704)
  • Rime scelte di poeti ferraresi antichi e moderni (1713)
  • Baccanali (1722)
  • Giocasta (tragedy, 1725)
  • La Diofebe (tragedy, 1727)
  • Il concilio de 'pianeti ( Serenata , 1729; set to music by Tomaso Albinoni )
  • La via della croce (sacred poems, 1732)
  • Il poeta (comedy, 1734)
  • Grillo (poems, 1738)
  • Il Canapajo (1741)
  • Canzoni anacreontiche (1743)
  • L'Ezzelino (tragedy, 1743)

Web links

Commons : Girolamo Baruffaldi  - collection of images, videos and audio files