Giuseppe Maria Gravina

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Giuseppe Maria Gravina (born March 19, 1702 in Palermo , † 1780 in Modena ) was an Italian Jesuit .


Giuseppe Maria Gravina entered the Jesuit order on October 21, 1716 at the age of 14 . After completing his studies and taking his vows , he devoted himself to the subject. He taught for nine years in humanities and philosophy and 17 years in theology . For a time he was prefect of studies at the Jesuit college in Palermo. Later he also worked in other colleges of his order in different cities. After the abolition of the Jesuit order (1773), he retired to Modena, where he died around 1780.

Gravina wrote the following philosophical-theological treatises:

  • Conclusiones theologicae-critico-ethicae de usu et abusu opinionis probabilis , Palermo 1752
  • Conclusiones polemicae de quinque Jansenianorum erroribus in haereses vergentibus , Palermo 1755
  • Trattenimenti apologetici sul probabilismo di GM Gravina , 3 volumes, Palermo 1755

Gravina also published a school textbook on philosophy ( Ratio tradendae philosophiae in scholis provinciae Siculae Soc. Jes. , Palermo 1754). He also finished and published the treatise of the Jesuit Benedetto Plazza of Syracuse on paradise ( Dissertatio anagogica, theologica, parenetica de paradiso , Palermo 1762), which aroused much offense and, on the part of the atheistic philosophers, a ridicule by Francesco Caros ( Lettere indirizzata in nome del doge della republica degli Apisti al Rev. de 'Solipsi ). In the work Gravina wrote an introduction and several chapters, including De electorum hominum numero respectu hominum reproborum , which aroused the displeasure of church superiors and was put on the index by decree of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of May 22, 1772 .

Gravina also translated the Croisets guide for Jesuit pensioners from French into Italian ( Istruzioni pe 'Signori convittori de' Padre Gesuiti , Palermo 1735) and explained it with comments on the benefits of his compatriots. His book of edification for the Jesuits ( Jesuita rite institutus piis exercitationibus SS. Patris Ignatii de Loyola , 2 volumes, Palermo 1746) was highly regarded by the religious . Statistically important is his report on from the robbery States returned over a period of some 30 years Sicilians who in slavery had fallen ( Catalogo de 'Siciliani redenti dalla schiavitù de' Barbari dall 'anno 1720 sino ad Agosto 1754 , Palermo 1755).


Individual evidence

  1. Gerald Stourzh : The modern isonomy . 1st edition. Böhlau-Verlag , Vienna 2015, ISBN 978-3-205-20095-6 , pp. 50 .
  2. Jesús Martínez de Bujanda , Marcella Richter: Index des livres interdits: Index librorum prohibitorum 1600–1966 . Médiaspaul, Montréal 2002, ISBN 2-89420-522-8 , pp. 402 (French, Google digitized version ).