Giuseppe Pecci (cardinal, 1807)

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Giuseppe Cardinal Pecci, brother of Pope Leo XIII, contemporary photo

Giuseppe Pecci SJ (born December 13, 1807 in Anagni , Italy , † February 8, 1890 in Rome ) was a Curia Cardinal of the Catholic Church and the brother of Pope Leo XIII.


Cardinal coat of arms

Joined the Jesuit order in 1824 , he was ordained priest in 1837 . In 1848 he resigned from the Jesuit order. From 1852 he taught philosophy at the seminary of Perugia, with particular orientation towards Thomas Aquinas . As a member of several commissions, he took part in the First Vatican Council from 1869 to 1870 . On September 9, 1878, Pecci became Vice Librarian of the Catholic Church. From Pope Leo XIII. Appointed cardinal on May 12, 1879 on the initiative of Camillo Di Pietro , three days later he was given the title of Sant'Agata alla Suburra . Since February 16, 1884 Prefect of the Congregation for Education , he also became a member of the Commission for Historical Studies on October 8, 1884. In 1887 he returned to the Jesuit community. From 1887 until his death he was a cardinal protodeacon .


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predecessor Office successor
Lorenzo Ilarione Cardinal Randi Cardinal Protodiacon
John Henry Cardinal Newman CO