Lorenzo Ilarione Randi

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Lorenzo Ilarione Randi (born July 12, 1818 in Bagnacavallo , † December 20, 1887 in Rome ) was an Italian cardinal to the curia .


Randi studied in Faenza and Rome and was ordained a deacon in 1840 . He was ordained a priest on March 14, 1841 . After initially working as an auditor at the Curia, Pope Pius IX appointed him . 1852 to the Apostolic Delegate in Rieti. From 1854 to 1865 he carried out the same activity in various Italian cities. In October 1865 Pius IX appointed him. General Director of the Roman Police, which Randi remained until the conquest of Rome by Italian troops in 1870. From 1866 to 1875 he was also Vice Camerlengo.

In the consistory of March 15, 1875 Pius IX took him. in pectore to the college of cardinals . In September of the same year the appointment became public and Cardinal Randi was assigned the title diaconia of Santa Maria in Cosmedin . He took part in the conclave in 1878 and was one of the few opponents of the elected Pope Leo XIII. , with whom he had fallen out during his time as Apostolic Delegate in Perugia from 1854 to 1856. On March 24, 1884, he assigned the title diaconia Santa Maria in Via Lata and on May 10 of the same year appointed him Prefect of the economic section of the Congregation De Propaganda fide . In addition, he was cardinal protodiacon as senior cardinal deacon from 1884 until his death . Cardinal Randi died in December 1887 and was buried in the Campo Verano cemetery.

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predecessor Office successor
Domenico Consolini Cardinal
protodeacon 1884-1887
Giuseppe Pecci