Gliese 581 e

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Gliese 581 e (pronounced: [ɡliːzə]) or Gl 581 e is one of at least three verified exoplanets ( Gliese 581 b , c and e), which orbits the red dwarf Gliese 581 , which is located in the constellation Libra . The distance from Earth is approximately 20.5 light years .


Movement of planet and star around the common center of gravity ( barycenter / red cross). The movement of the star can be observed and measured.

The planet was discovered by a team from the Geneva Observatory, led by astronomer Michel Mayor , using the HARPS instrument from the European Southern Observatory in La Silla , Chile . The discovery was announced on April 21, 2009. Mayor's team used the radial velocity method , with which, among other things, the orbital period of a companion can be determined based on the small perturbation , i.e. the disruption of the movement of a star that triggers the planet's gravity in the parent star .


Gliese 581 e orbits its central star at a distance of 0.03  AU and needs 3.15 days for a complete orbit. Its minimum mass is around 1.9 earth masses . However, the planet is too close to the star and just outside the habitable zone for conditions to be favorable to life.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Mayor et al .: The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets, XVIII. An Earth-mass planet in the GJ 581 planetary system. Archived from the original on June 11, 2010. Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Astronomy and Astrophysics . 2009. Retrieved March 11, 2018. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ A b Paul Rincon, Amos, Jonathan: Lightest exoplanet is discovered . BBC . April 21, 2009. Retrieved April 21, 2009.
  3. a b Dennis Overbye: Astronomers Find Planet Closer to Size of Earth . In: New York Times , April 21, 2009. 
  4. Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans . In: National Geographic . April 21, 2009. Retrieved April 22, 2009.
  5. Gl 581 e ( Memento of the original from January 16, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English) - Article at Extra-solar Planets Catalog  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans . In: National Geographic . April 21, 2009. Retrieved April 22, 2009.

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