Bell-shaped dwarf ball

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Bell-shaped dwarf ball
2010-02-26 Panellus ringens (Fr.) Romagn 79653-cropped.jpg

Bell-shaped dwarf ball ( Panellus ringens )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Helmling relatives (Mycenaceae)
Genre : Dwarf ball ( Panellus )
Type : Bell-shaped dwarf ball
Scientific name
Panellus wrestling
( Fr. ) Romagn.

The bell-shaped dwarf ball ( Panellus ringens ) or throat-shaped oyster mushroom is a very rare type of mushroom in Germany from the genus of the dwarf ball ( Panellus ).


The bell-shaped dwarf ball forms small (5–20 mm diameter) young resupinate (with the top of the hat attached to the substrate) later spatula to cup-shaped spreading fruit bodies. A stem is only hinted at. The upper side of the mushrooms is reddish-brown in color and matt, and frosted at the base of the stalk. The edge is grooved or furrowed. The broad, similarly colored lamellae have a dark edge and come together concentrically on the handle. The spore powder is white. Similar is the violet-leaved oyster mushroom , which is also fruiting in the winter months and only grows on coniferous wood, and species from the genus of the stumpy feet ( Crepidotus ), which have differently colored spore powder.


The bell-shaped dwarf ball is a saprobiontic wood dweller that grows on the bark of dead or dying branches or trunks of deciduous trees. Krieglsteiner and Gminder name poplar , birch , common bird cherry and willow and alder as substrates . The fruiting bodies appear in the winter half-year.


The species is common in northern Asia (Siberia, Japan), North America and Europe. In Europe it occurs in a circumpolar and alpine way and has therefore been found in northern and northeastern Europe (Scandinavia, Finland, the Baltic States, Belarus) and in South Tyrol, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria. In Germany only in Baden-Württemberg, possibly also occurring in Bavaria.


The bell-shaped dwarf ball is unsuitable as an edible mushroom, as a wood destroyer it is not of forestry importance.


Web links

Commons : Glockiger Zwergknäueling ( Panellus ringens )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files