Glogovica (river)

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location Croatia
River system Danube
Drain over Save  → Danube  → Black Sea
source Glogovica (place)
Source height 171  m
muzzle in Slavonski Brod in the Save coordinates: 45 ° 8 '29 "  N , 18 ° 2' 43"  E 45 ° 8 '29 "  N , 18 ° 2' 43"  E
Mouth height 86  m
Height difference 85 m
Bottom slope 5.7 ‰
length 15 km
Right tributaries Glogovica canal
Big cities Slavonski Brod
Residents in the catchment area about 10,000

The Glogovica is a river in Croatia . It rises near the place of the same name Glogovica in Slavonia and leads south through the places Grabarje and Podcrkavlje . After eight kilometers it reaches the city limits of Slavonski Brod . It flows z. T. as a canal further south and separates the city center from the Naselje Glogovica district and the municipal cemetery. Near the city's garbage dump , it finally flows into the Sava after 15 km (and is accordingly heavily polluted there).

While in the higher areas in the north the river is almost 15 m wide, in Slavonski Brod it is only 5 m wide. Since the river flows into Slavonski Brod near the landfill, this area is very polluted and the water is accordingly polluted.

The total length of the Glogovica is 15 km.

Web links

Commons : Glogovica  - collection of images, videos and audio files