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Asteroma coryli (main fruit form: Gnomoniella coryli): pathogen causing hazelnut leaf tan

Asteroma coryli (main fruit form: Gnomoniella coryli ): pathogen causing hazelnut leaf tan

Department : Ascomycota mushrooms
Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Sordariomycetes
Subclass : Sordariomycetidae
Order : Diaporthales
Family : Gnomoniaceae
Scientific name
G. Winter

The Gnomoniaceae form a family from the order of the Diaporthales .


According to Monod (1983) the Gnomoniaceae are characterized by sunken fruiting bodies ( Ascomata ) individually without stroma or in aggregates combined in reduced prosenchymatic stroma in herbaceous plants, especially in leaves and stem, but also in wood. The Ascomata are generally softly structured, thin-walled and prosenchymatic with a central or lateral protuberance. The asci can have a pronounced apical ring with generally small ascospores that are less than 25 µm long, which can be septate or unseptate. The anamorphs are acervular or pycnidial , mostly with a wide opening and phialidic mostly unseptated conidia .


Gnomoniace are mostly found on hardwood trees , but also on conifers such as the anamorphic genus Sirococcus. Several diseases have been described that cause them, but which have also been described as endophytes.

Genera (selection)

Mazzantia has recently been added to the Diaporthaceae .

Individual evidence

  1. M. Monod: Monographie taxonomique des Gnomoniaceae (= Sydowia. Annales mycologici. Series 2, supplements 9). Berger, Horn 1983, ISBN 3-85028-135-3 .
  2. Nathalie Barengo, Thomas N. Sieber, Ottmar Holdenrieder: Diversity of endophytic mycobiota in leaves and twigs of pubescent birch (Betula pubescens). In: Sydowia. Vol. 52, 2000, ISSN  0082-0598 , pp. 305-320, online (PDF; 9.93 MB) .
  3. Makhail V. Sogonow, Lisa A. Castlebury, Luis C. Mejia, Amy Y. Rossman, James F. White: Generic trends in the gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales. Eight International Mycological Congress, August 21-25, 2006 (= Cairns, Congress Handbook & Abstracts. Book 1). Meeting abstract. 2006.
  4. ^ Heinz Butin : Diseases of the forest and park trees . Georg Thieme Verlag, 1983.
  5. Lisa A. Castlebury, Amy Y. Rossman, Walter J. Jaklitsch, Larissa N. Vasilyeva: A preliminary overview of the Diaporthales based on large subunit nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences. In: Mycologia. Vol. 94, 2002, pp. 1017-1031.

Web links

Commons : Gnomoniaceae  - collection of images, videos and audio files