List of translations by Goethe

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Goethe (painting by Gerhard von Kügelgen 1808/1809)

In addition to his other works, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe also left behind quite a large number of translations from foreign languages. This list contains a compilation of his translations.

The columns in the tabular history below mean:

Column name meaning
year (Year up to which Goethe translated), (D: first edition of Goethe's translation appeared)
author Name of the translated author
*, † Year of birth and death of the translated author
title (O: original title), (German title from Goethe's translation)
comment Note on the title
source A work in which Goethe's translation was published
Wilpert The page (s) on which Wilpert [8] mentions or comments on the translation


Ordered according to the year up to which Goethe translated.

year author * title comment source Wilpert
1768, D: 1846 Pierre Corneille 1606 1684 O: Le Menteur (1643), The Liar Comedy [7], pp. 187-190 192
1773 James Macpherson 1736 1796 O: Songs of Selma (1765), Die Gesänge von Selma Ossian forgery of Macpherson 372, 656, 793
1775 Pindar 520 BC Chr. 447 BC Chr. 5th Olympic Ode Basis: Edition by Christian Gottlob Heyne (1729–1812) 473, 825
1775 Solomon ? 926 BC Chr. High song The Bible [10], p. 364 481
1789, D: 1891 Racine 1639 1699 Choirs from: O: Athalie (1691), Athalia tragedy [9], pp. 779-780 863
1793 Homer 8th century BC Chr. From: Odyssey , Iliad Epics 485
1795 de Staël 1766 1817 Try over the seals 1011
1796, D: 1914 William Shakespeare 1564 1616 Out: Hamlet (1602) tragedy [9], p. 781 988
1797, D: 1803 Benvenuto Cellini 1500 1571 O: [2], [4] Autobiography [6], pp. 9-564 173
1799, D: 1799 Denis Diderot 1713 1784 O: Essai sur la peinture, [3] [6], pp. 726-786 220
1799, D: 1802 Voltaire 1694 1778 Mahomet the Prophet (1742) Tragedy in five acts [9], pp. 669-720 661, 1128
1801, D: 1802 Voltaire Tancred Tragedy in five acts [9], pp. 721-778 1045, 1128
1803 Terence 190 BC Chr. 159 BC Chr. From: O: Eunuchus (161 BC), The Eunuch comedy [7], p. 195
1805, D: 1805 Diderot O: Le Neveu de Rameau (1776), [5] A dialogue [6], pp. 567-730 220
1812, D: 1910 Calderón 1600 1681 From: O: La vida es sueño (1634), Life a dream drama [7], p. 196
1817, D: 1891 Charles Robert Maturin 1782 1824 From: O: Bertram or the castle of Aldobrand (1816), Bertram play [9], pp. 782-785 682
1820, D: 1869 Alessandro Manzoni 1785 1873 From: O: Il Conte di Carmagnola (1819), Count of Carmagnola tragedy [9], pp. 791-792 670
1822, D: 1820 Lord Byron 1788 1824 Out: Manfred (1817) dramatic poem,
changes before the reprint in 1823
[9], pp. 786-790 155
1822, D: 1872 Sophocles 496 BC Chr. 405 BC Chr. From: King Oedipus tragedy [9], p. 794 1000
1825, D: 1827 Manzoni From: Adelchi (1822) tragedy [9], p. 793 670
1826, D: 1827 Euripides 484 BC Chr. 406 BC Chr. From: Bacchantes (406 BC) tragedy [9], pp. 795-798 292
1826 Dante Alighieri 1265 1321 O: Divina Commedia, D: Fragments from Hell (XI 97–105 and XII 1–10, 28–45, 80–82) epos

Goethe carried out particularly elaborate translation work on the historical part of his color theory that lasted for decades .


The Song of Songs Solomon in the Luther Bible from 1545 begins like this:

He kisses me with the kiss of his mouth
Because your breasts are sweeter than wine.

Goethe [10], p. 364 translated:

If he kiss me the kiss of his mouth!
Your love is better than wine.


Voltaire, the author of the "Mahomet"
Napoléon Bonaparte (1769–1821) "explained" Goethe the "Mahomet"

"I am also providing a well-advised German translation of Adelchi bey."

- Goethe's letter to Heinrich Mylius (Frankfurt banker (1769–1854)) of April 12, 1827

“... and immediately went on to the question of Goethe's tragedies, whereby Daru took the opportunity to elaborate on them and to praise Goethe's poetic works in general, including his translation of Voltaire's Mahomet . This is not a good piece! said the emperor. "

- Friedrich von Müller on a conversation between Napoleon and Goethe on October 2, 1808

“Various Germans believe that the original never existed and that everything was Goethe's own invention. But Goethe assures that it would have been absolutely impossible for him to imitate Diderot's ingenious presentation and writing style, and that the German Rameau is nothing more than a very faithful translation. "

- Frédéric Jacob Soret (Geneva scientist, prince educator (1795–1865)) about a conversation with Goethe on April 2, 1823


Sorted by year of publication

  • [1] Biblia That is: The whole holy scripture: Deudsch Auffs new zugericht. D. Mart. Luth. Printed to Wittemberg by Hanns Lufft MDXLV. The old testament. XIX. Song of Songs Solomonis. Wittenberg 1545
  • [2] Vita di Benvenuto Cellini orefice e scultore Fiorentino da lui medesimo scritta… P. Martello Colonia 1728 (The first print was not published by P. Martello in Cologne, but by Antonio Cocchi in Naples.)
  • [3] Diderot's attempt on painting. Translated and accompanied by notes by Goethe. Propylaea. First volume, second piece, second volume, first piece, Tübingen 1799
  • [4] Life of Benvenuto Cellini , Florentine goldsmith and sculptor, written by himself. Translated and edited with an appendix by Goethe. J. G. Cottasche bookstore, Tübingen 1803
  • [5] Rameau's nephew . A dialogue from Diderot. Translated from the manuscript and accompanied by comments by Goethe. G. J. Göschen, Leipzig 1805
  • [6] Siegfried Seidel (Ed.): Goethe - Berlin Edition, Volume 21. Art theoretical writings and translations. I translations . Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1977
  • [7] Siegfried Seidel (Ed.): Goethe - Berliner Ausgabe, Volume 22. Art theoretical writings and translations. Translations II . Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1978
  • [8] Gero von Wilpert : Goethe-Lexikon (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 407). Kröner, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-520-40701-9 , p. 1092.
  • [9] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Poetic Works, Volume 4 . Phaidon Verlag, Essen 1999, ISBN 3-89350-448-6
  • [10] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Complete Works. Letters, diaries and conversations. Forty volumes. I. Section Volume 12. Frankfurt a. M. 1999, ISBN 3-618-60320-7

Individual evidence

  1. Franz Lichtenstein : On the translation of Corneilles Menteur . Goethe yearbook , Volume 3 (1882), pp. 338–339http: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3Dgoethejahrbuchv05germgoog~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3Dn354~doppelseiten%3D~LT%3DS.%20338%E2%80%93339~PUR%3D
  2. Ludwig Geiger : Goethe's translation of the "nephew Rameau". Goethe-Jahrbuch , Volume 3 (1882), pp. 332–338http: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3Dgoethejahrbuchv05germgoog~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3Dn348~doppelseiten%3D~LT%3DS.%20332%E2%80%93338~PUR%3D
  3. Critical text as digitized version on
  4. [1] The Song of Songs Solomonis, chap. 1, Luther Bible from 1545 ( )