Golden-haired neck buck

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Golden-haired neck buck
Golden-haired collar buck on dwarf elder

Golden-haired collar buck on dwarf elder

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Longhorn beetle (Cerambycidae)
Subfamily : Narrowbuckles (Lepturinae)
Genre : Leptura
Type : Golden-haired neck buck
Scientific name
Leptura aurulenta
Fabricius , 1792

The golden-haired neck buck ( Leptura aurulenta , Syn .: Strangalia aurulenta ) is a longhorn beetle from the subfamily of the small goats (Lepturinae).


The beetle resembles the four-banded narrow -headed buck ( Leptura quadrifasciata ) with its lively yellow, dark, cross-banded top . Unlike this one, however, the antennae and legs are partly colored red. The best feature is the thick golden-yellow hair on the front and rear edges of the pronotum . The length of the beetles is 13 to 24 millimeters.


The species occurs in France, Ireland, southern England and all of southern Europe as well as in western North Africa, especially in mountains, less in the Mediterranean area. In Germany it is restricted to the southwest and occurs in Baden , Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse . It prefers low mountain locations up to about 500 meters in height. In Austria it lives in hot spots in the eastern federal states, in Switzerland it can be found in the western and southern cantons below 1000 meters. The golden-haired collar buck lives in Moravia and Slovakia .

Way of life

The larvae develop for several years in dead hardwood, in old rhizomes and stumps, in rotten cordwood and on dead branches. Beech, oak, willow, poplar, alder, birch, chestnut, walnut and cherry are named as breeding woods.

The lively adults appear in July and August and visit the flowers of dwarf elder , umbelliferae and others. They fly with a humming sound like a bumblebee. After careful examination of the old stumps and roots, the eggs are often laid in the exit holes of small xylophages .


  • Bernhard Klausnitzer / Friedrich Sander: The longhorn beetles of Central Europe. (= Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei. Volume 499). A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt 1981, ISSN  0138-1423 .
  • Adolf Horion : Faunistics of the Central European beetles. Volume XII: Cerambycidae - Longhorn Beetles. Ueberlingen, 1974.

Web links

Commons : Leptura aurulenta  - album with pictures, videos and audio files