Bernhard Klausnitzer

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Bernhard Klausnitzer 2010

Bernhard Klausnitzer (born October 21, 1939 in Bautzen ) is a German entomologist who researches especially in the field of beetles (Coleoptera), editor-in-chief of Entomological News and Reports as well as member of the editorial board, editor and editor of various entomological journals at home and abroad.


Klausnitzer studied biology at the University of Jena (1958–1959) and at the Technical University of Dresden (1961–1966; graduated with a degree in biology ).

From 1966 to 1977 he was a research assistant and senior assistant at the Zoological Institute, later in the field of biology at the Faculty of Forestry in Tharandt of the Technical University of Dresden. There Klausnitzer 1969 with the dissertation to Larvalsystematik the Central European Coccinellidae including the Eimorphologie and parasites to Dr. rer. nat. PhD . The PhD B to Dr. sc. nat., that of the Habilitation corresponded he concluded at the Humboldt University in Berlin in 1975 with the signature On the problem of the application of the theory of phylogenetic systematics within species, using the example of the genus helodes Latreille, 1796 (Coleoptera, Helodidae ) from .

From 1977 Bernhard Klausnitzer was a full professor for ecology and zootaxonomy at the University of Leipzig , where he was appointed full professor for ecology and zootaxonomy in 1983 and worked until 1991. In 1992 he founded an independent institute for ecology and entomology in Dresden . His research there focuses on Coccinellidae , Scirtidae , aquatic and xylobionte families, larvae of the Coleoptera and urban ecology .

He is a member of several entomological, zoological and ecological societies at home and abroad, President of the Standing International Organizing Committee of SIEEC and Chairman of the Entomofaunistische Gesellschaft eV He is also the editor, editor or co-editor of the "Entomofauna Germanica", the "Entomological News and Reports" and “Entomological sheets for the biology and systematics of beetles”.

The German Society for General and Applied Entomology honored him in 2001 with the award of the Fabricius Medal. In 2008 he received from the University of Greifswald , the honorary doctorate .


  • The longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) of Central Europe (= Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei , Volume 499), 3rd, heavily revised and expanded edition, Wolf, Magdeburg 2015
  • Pine heather and pond area in Upper Lusatia. Guide through the 1st part of the natural science department of the Bautzen City Museum, Natura lusatica (booklet 7), Bautzen 1965
  • On the larval systematics of the Central European Coccinellidae including egg morphology and parasites, dissertation, Dresden 1969
  • together with Hertha Klausnitzer: Ladybirds. Coccinellidae. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei (Volume 451), Wittenberg Lutherstadt 1972 (4th, revised edition Magdeburg 1997, ISBN 3-89432-812-6 )
  • On the problem of applying the theory of phylogenetic systematics within genera, shown using the example of the genus Helodes Latreille, 1796 (Coleoptera, Helodidae), dissertation, Berlin 1975
  • together with S. Bilý: order Coleoptera. Larvae. Identification books for the soil fauna of Europe (Delivery 10), Berlin 1978
  • together with Friedrich Sander, Dietmar Königstedt and O. Jarisch: Die Longhorn beetles of Central Europe. Cerambycidae. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei (Volume 499), Wittenberg Lutherstadt 1978
  • A hundred tips for the insect lover, Leipzig, Jena and Berlin 1980
  • together with Traudl Schneehagen (drawings / design): Wunderwelt der Käfer. Leipzig 1981 (2nd edition under the title Käfer, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-937872-15-5 or ISBN 3-937872-15-9 )
  • together with Klaus Richter, Traudl Schneehagen and Manfred Förster: Tribal history of the articulated animals. Articulata. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei (Volume 541), Wittenberg Lutherstadt 1981
  • The stag beetle or Schröter. Lucanidae, Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei Vol. 551, Westarp Sciences, Hohenwarsleben, 4th revised. u. extended 2008 edition, ISBN 3-89432-451-1
  • Käfer im und am Wasser, Die neue Brehm-Bücherei (Volume 567), Wittenberg Lutherstadt 1984 (2nd, revised edition Magdeburg, Heidelberg, Berlin and Oxford 1996, ISBN 3-89432-478-3 )
  • Ecology of the Big City Fauna, Jena 1987 (2nd, edited and expanded edition, Jena and Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-334-60395-4 )
  • together with Manfred Förster (photos) and Traudl Schneehagen (design and drawings): Insects. Biology and cultural history. Leipzig 1987
  • Urbanization of animals, Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei (Volume 579), Wittenberg Lutherstadt 1988 (2nd edition, Wittenberg Lutherstadt 1989, ISBN 3-7403-0019-1 )
  • Entomology for forest engineers. Teaching contribution, Lützschena [1989]
  • The larvae of the beetles of Central Europe , 6 volumes, Jena, Stuttgart, Lübeck, Ulm et al. 1991–2001
  • Käfer , formerly udT: Wunderwelt der Käfer , 2nd edition, Nikol, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-937872-15-9

In addition, Klausnitzer continued the multi-volume standard work Die Käfer Mitteleuropas founded by Heinz Freude in 1965 and edited Hymenoptera, Volume 9 of the series plant pests (Leipzig and Radebeul 1978) as well as the German edition of the atlas of useful forest insects published by Bohumil Starý ( Užitečný hmyz v ochraně lesa, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-331-00499-5 ).

Web links

Commons : Bernhard Klausnitzer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  3. (2 volumes)