Gottfried Heinrich Schäfer

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Gottfried Heinrich Schäfer (born September 27, 1764 in Leipzig ; † March 12, 1840 there ) was a German classical philologist .


Gottfried Heinrich Schäfer studied theology , law and medicine at the University of Leipzig . Only later did he turn to philology. He spent most of his life as a private scholar and earned his living as a writer, primarily as a translator of theological, legal and medical specialist publications. In 1806 he qualified as a professor for philology. Two years later, Gottfried Hermann gave him an extraordinary professorship. Since Schäfer did not feel called to be a lecturer and his teaching success remained low, he gladly accepted the position as university librarian, which Hermann got him in 1818 and which he held until 1833. From 1808 he was a corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences .

In addition to his translation services, Schäfer stood out as the editor of ancient writers. He presented improved and edited text versions by the authors Pliny the Younger , Catullus , Properz , Demosthenes , Plutarch and Apollonios of Rhodes and took part in the new edition of the Thesaurus linguae Graecae by Henricus Stephanus .


Web links

Wikisource: Gottfried Heinrich Schäfer  - Sources and full texts