Gottfried Travelmann

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Gottfried Travelmann († September 27, 1391 in Dorpat ) was a mayor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck . He came from a Erbmänner -Gender in Munster .

Travelmann had already represented the city several times between 1379 and 1390 at Hanseatic days held in Lübeck before he was elected mayor by the city council in 1390 . He had previously proven himself as an arbitrator in the ongoing dispute between the Dorpat monastery and Bo Jonsson Grip , the Swedish governor in Finland. As a merchant, it is documented for him that he and Gerhard Darsow bought the pound duty that was levied in Reval from the Hanseatic cities . His merchandise was also confiscated by Duke Heinrich I near Soltau in 1390 . 1391 he was together with the alderman and later mayor Johann Niebur Envoy of the city in Livonia as a mediator in a dispute between the archbishop of Riga , John IV. Of Zinten , and the country Master of the Teutonic Order , Wennemar of Bruggenei . But more important was the planned visit to the office of the Hanseatic League in Novgorod , the Peterhof , the anticipated after previous trade boycott should establish normality again against Russia.

Travelmann died in 1391 on the journey to Livonia that had started with Johann Niebur in Dorpat. Niebur had to complete the diplomatic mission in Russia the following year alone.


  1. ^ Emil Ferdinand Fehling: Lübeck Council Line. Lübeck 1925. No. 406; quotes the Detmar Chronicle according to Grautoff , Part 1, p. 355: Sin dot was menigen minschen leth, wante he was en berve satich man
