Gottfried von Jülich

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Gottfried (* around 905; † June 1 after 949) from the Matfriede family was at least 924–936, probably even until 949 Graf im Jülichgau . He was the son of Count Gerhard im Metzgau and Oda von Sachsen, a daughter of Otto the Illustrious , Duke of Saxony from the Liudolfinger family , and thus a nephew of King Heinrich I. In addition, he was the younger brother of Wichfrid , the 924-953 archbishop of Cologne and from 941 archchancellor her cousin, king Otto I was.

He married Ermentrud, * 908/909, probably the eldest daughter of Charles the Simple , King of West Franconia, who was owned by the Duchy of Lorraine from 910 to 923 and thus its liege lord. Since Karl was deposed as both king and duke in 923 and was imprisoned a short time later (and his only son, 2-year-old Ludwig , was brought to safety by his mother to England), it is likely that the wedding will take place took place shortly before the fall of Karl, especially since the remaining five daughters were apparently no longer married.

In an unknown period, Gottfried was the Duke's representative as Count Palatine of Lorraine. The office was filled from 911 to 915 by Reginhar (as Margrave ) and then by Wigerich . Since Wigerich died before 922 and Karl III. Was deposed in 923, there is a short window of time in which Gottfried (despite his youth) could have been appointed as his father-in-law's deputy in Lorraine.

Since Gottfried was Heinrich I's nephew, Otto I's cousin and brother of Otto's close adviser and later Chancellor Wichfrid at the same time, it is also possible that after 923, despite his connection to the overthrown Karl III. was entrusted. The fact that his son Gottfried von Jülich himself became Duke of Lower Lorraine in 959 , initially as deputy to Archbishop Brun of Cologne, Otto's brother and successor to Wichfrid in both offices, suggests that the family ties to Saxony were more important than ins West Franconia.

Children of Gottfried and Ermentrud were:

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Individual evidence

  1. Schwennicke: † young, therefore not identical to Duke Gottfried I of Lower Lorraine
  2. ^ Gottfried Duke of Lower Lorraine + 964 .
  3. Gerberga im Juelichgau Countess of Geldern + 996 .
  4. Meginoz Graf in Geldern + 999 .
predecessor Office successor
Wigerich Count Palatine of Lorraine
Hermann I.