Gotthold Dziewas

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Gotthold Dziewas (* 22. February 1900 in Kosrochen ; † 6. June 1940 at Hattencourt ) was a German political functionary and SA -Leader, most recently with the rank of SA Brigade leader .

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After attending school, Dziewas took part in World War I as a war volunteer , in which he was wounded five times and was awarded the Iron Cross of both classes and the Golden Wound Badge. At the end of the war he resigned as a lieutenant . He then joined various Freikorps (Rifle Regiment Baltenland, Freiwillige Sturmabteilung Thorn, 3rd Marine Brigade) with whom he participated in the border battles of the post-war period in Upper Silesia and the Baltic States .

In the 1920s, Dziewas was involved in various right-wing secret societies and organizations such as the Escherich organization and the Consul organization . In 1921 he joined the NSDAP for the first time . On August 1, 1930, he joined this party ( membership number 278.690) again. He also became a member of the SA. He reached his highest SA rank on April 20, 1934 when he was promoted to brigade leader.

In September 1933 Dziewas was appointed staff leader of the SA group Ostland in Königsberg . In 1935 he moved, also as staff leader, to the SA group Hochland in Munich . He held this position until 1938. From then on he was part of the Hochland group as z. b. V. assigned.

After the end of his active function in the SA, Dziewas entered the service of the Bavarian Gauleiter Adolf Wagner in June 1938 , who appointed him his adjutant in the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior and in this capacity made him one of his most important employees in the Bavarian State Ministry . First and foremost, Dziewas, who was regarded as a special confidante of Wagner, was there with special assignments. First and foremost, Dziewas leading role in the organization of the Aryanization measures in Bavaria should be mentioned, ie the expropriation or massively overreaching takeover of “Jewish” property by the state or persons and corporations close to the state. For the practical implementation of the Aryanization for state or party positions of the NSDAP in 1939 Dziewas took over the offices of a "trustee according to the decision of the government of Upper Bavaria" (his office was generally known under the abbreviation "Aryanization") and a "representative of the Gauleiter for Aryanization ". An example of his activity in this area was the restructuring of Vermögensverwertung München GmbH .

In addition to his functions in the party and state, Dziewas also served as the leader of the Mountain Rescue Service and Regional Leader VII of the Red Cross . In 1938 Dziewas married Hilde Königsbauer, with Wagner appearing as best man.

Shortly after the outbreak of World War II , Dziewas joined a tank rifle regiment in September 1939 as a reserve lieutenant. He took an active part in the last days of the attack on Poland . The following year he took part in the French campaign, in the course of which he was killed during the breakthrough fighting on the Weygand Line .


  • Gert Modert: "Motor of persecution: On the role of the NSDAP in the disenfranchisement and plundering of Munich Jews". In: Angelika Baumann / Andreas Heusler: Munich Aryanized. Disenfranchisement and expropriation of the Jews during the Nazi era . Beck, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-406-51756-0 .
  • Wolfram Selig : "Aryanization" in Munich. The annihilation of the Jewish existence 1937–1939 . Metropol, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-936411-33-6 .