Grete Bibring-Lehner

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Grete Bibring-Lehner in the Vienna Psychoanalytical Outpatient Clinic in 1922 (seated, 3rd from right).
Photo: Ludwig Gutmann

Grete Bibring-Lehner (born as Grete Lehner January 11, 1899 in Vienna , Austria-Hungary ; died August 10, 1977 in Cambridge , Massachusetts ) was an Austro-American psychoanalyst .


Grete Lehner was a daughter of the factory owner Moritz Lehner and Victoria Stengel. Her father was a member of the Social Democratic Workers' Party and the Hegel Society and belonged to the intellectual Jewish upper class of Vienna. Lehner attended the humanistic girls' high school in Vienna from 1910 to 1918. From 1918 she studied medicine in Vienna and in 1919 worked with her fellow students Otto Fenichel , Edward Bibring and Wilhelm Reich on the founding of a “working group on sexology and psychoanalysis”. In 1921 she married Edward Bibring, both were invited to the meetings of the Vienna Psychoanalytical Association , of which she became a member in 1925 after completing her doctorate in 1924.

She completed an analysis with Hermann Nunberg . She was among the first to graduate from the Association's teaching institute. From 1924 to 1927 she trained in neurology and psychiatry at the General Hospital with Julius Wagner-Jauregg and at the Psychiatric Clinic with Emil Mattauschek. With her husband she ran a private practice in the 7th district . Grete Bibring-Lehner worked in the association's psychoanalytic outpatient clinic and became a member of the teaching committee in 1934.

After Austria's annexation in 1938, she emigrated to England with her mother, husband and two sons born in 1929 and 1931 on the collective visa for Sigmund Freud , where she became a member of the British Psychoanalytical Society and practiced as a training analyst. Since Edward Bibring was offered a lectureship at Tufts Medical College in Boston , they moved to the United States in 1941. Grete Bibring-Lehner became a member and training analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute and headed the psychiatric department of the Beth Israel Hospital from 1946 to 1965 . She taught analytical psychology at Simmons College and became the first female professor at Harvard Medical School in 1961 . Between 1957 and 1962 she carried out research on the psychological significance of pregnancy and the mother-child relationship.

From 1958 to 1963 she was Vice President of the International Psychoanalytic Association and in 1962 she was President of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) for one year .

The Brandeis University awarded her an honor and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences appointed her in 1968 as a Fellow.

After her retirement, she led a seminar at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study on parenting patterns and careers of women for several years .

Fonts (selection)

  • with Ralph J Kahana: Lectures in medical psychology; an introduction to the care of patients . New York: International Universities Press, 1968
  • (Ed.): The Teaching of dynamic psychiatry; a reappraisal of the goals and techniques in the teaching of psychoanalytic psychiatry . Conference proceedings. Beth Israel Hospital. New York: International University Press, 1968
  • Psychological aspects of pregnancy . Research paper. Manuscript. Henry A. Murray Research Center, 1962


  • Elke Mühlleitner: Biographical Lexicon of Psychoanalysis. The members of the Psychological Wednesday Society and the Vienna Psychoanalytical Association 1902–1938 . Tübingen: Edition Diskord, 1992, ISBN 3-89295-557-3 , pp. 43–45 (Grete Bibring-Lehner)
  • Bibring, Grete L. In: Susanne Blumesberger, Michael Doppelhofer, Gabriele Mauthe: Handbook of Austrian authors of Jewish origin from the 18th to the 20th century. Volume 1: A-I. Edited by the Austrian National Library. Saur, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-598-11545-8 , p. 118 (entry 906).
  • Werner Röder, Herbert A. Strauss : Biographisches Handbuch der Deutschensprachigen Emigration nach 1933 / International Biographical Dictionary of Central European Emigrés 1933-1945 , Vol II, 1 Munich: Saur 1983 ISBN 3-598-10089-2 , p. 102f. (Bibring, Grete L.)
  • Elke Mühlleitner: Bibring-Lehner, Grete. In: Brigitta Keintzel, Ilse Korotin (ed.): Scientists in and from Austria. Life - work - work. Böhlau, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2002, ISBN 3-205-99467-1 , p. 64f.

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