Grete Yppen

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Grete Yppen (born October 11, 1917 in Vienna ; † April 22, 2008 ) was an Austrian painter .


Grete Yppen studied from 1935 to 1939 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with Herbert Boeckl and at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan . Since 1951 she was a member of the Vienna Secession .

Grete Yppen was married to the painter Walter Eckert (1913–2001) from 1959 . She was buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery .

Exhibitions (selection)

  • Otto Beckmann , Karl Kreutzberger [1916–1990] , Grete Yppen . Autumn exhibition at the Vienna Secession, 1957
  • Grete Yppen - pictures and graphics . Gallery of the Vienna Secession, April 3 - April 27, 1975
  • Grete Yppen, pictures and graphics. New work 1988–91 . Neue Galerie Vienna, April 8 - May 4, 1991
  • Grete Yppen - route sign. Images and graphics . Kunstverein Horn, Galerie Thurnhof, June 13 - July 25, 1993
  • Grete Yppen - painting and graphics 1955–1995. Neue Galerie Graz , April 22nd - June 5th, 2006
  • Grete Yppen - from the sound of painting . Landesmuseum Niederösterreich , St. Pölten, June 13, 2010 - September 5, 2010


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Grete Yppen - biography. In: Retrieved September 29, 2011 .