Guepiniopsis chrysocoma

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Guepiniopsis chrysocoma
Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Dacrymycetes
Order : Gelatinous teardrop (Dacrymycetales)
Family : Gelatinous Tear Relatives (Dacrymycetaceae)
Genre : Guepiniopsis
Type : Guepiniopsis chrysocoma
Scientific name
Guepiniopsis chrysocoma
( Pers .: Fr. ) Brasfield

Guepiniopsis chrysocoma is a mushroom from the family of the gelatinous tear relatives (Dacrymycetaceae). As a weak parasite and saprobiont, it colonizesdying or dead branches and twigs of conifers . The gelatinous, cup-shaped fruit bodies appear in summer and spring. The Palearctic range of the species extends from Great Britain to Japan.


Macroscopic features

Guepiniopsis chrysocoma has initially pillow-shaped, later cylindrical, at the tip plate-shaped or cup-shaped indented fruiting bodies with a firm, gelatinous texture and a height of 2 to 5 mm. Their diameter is 1-4 mm. The structures grow out of the substrate in tufts and have a root-like mycelial stalk . The color of the fruiting bodies ranges from yellow to yellow-orange. The fruit layer is limited to the inside of the cups.

Microscopic features

The hyphae of Guepiniopsis chrysocoma have thickened walls and buckles . The spores are 16–28 × 8–10  μm in size and, when ripe, are divided by 3–8  transverse septa , more rarely also by a few longitudinal septa.


Guepiniopsis chrysocoma is a saprobiont and weakness parasite that can be found on both dead wood and on the dying tissue of conifers . Fallen and drooping branches of pine ( Pinus  spp.) Are preferred .


Guepiniopsis chrysocoma is found in large parts of the Palearctic from Great Britain via northwestern Russia and Siberia to Japan.
