Guido Viola di Campalto

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Guido Viola di Campalto (born September 15, 1883 in Venice , † June 16, 1947 there ) was an Italian diplomat .


Guido Viola di Campalto was the son of Anna Favaretti and Giovan Battista Viola. He married Teresa Thaon (born June 19, 1902).

In 1908 he joined the foreign service. Victor Emmanuel III sent him on October 4, 1914 as Vice Consul to Trieste, Austria, and from there on as Consul to Seattle . In 1917 he became consul in Calcutta . From February 6, 1927 to June 25, 1931 he was envoy in Copenhagen . From 1932 to 1934 he was envoy to Tehran . At that time, the Italian Navy provided military advisers to the emerging Persian Navy. In 1936 he was envoy to Belgrade . From July 1, 1937 to August 14, 1939 he was envoy to the conspirators of the Unión Militar Espanola in Burgos and had captured weapons presented to him with Eberhard von Stohrer and Gaetano Cicognani .

Until his death he sat for the Concentrazione Democratica Repubblicana in the city council of Florence.

Individual evidence

  1. it: Gazzetta Ufficiale del Regno d'Italia N. 041 del 17 Febbraio 1915, p. 10
  2. London Gazette . No. 30348, HMSO, London, October 23, 1917, p. 10903 ( PDF , accessed October 20, 2013, English).
  3. Life (magazine) , March 28, 1938 Foreign News: Visual Evidence  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as broken. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , [1] p. 60@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  4. Sergio Barizza, Il Comune di Venezia, 1806-1946: Venice, 1987, 274 p., P. 254
predecessor Office successor
Giovanni Alliata Di Montereale Italian envoy in Copenhagen
Daniele Varé
Carlo Galli Italian envoy in Tehran
Andrea Geisser Celesia di Vegliaseo
Carlo Galli Italian envoy to Belgrade in
Roberto Ducci
Roberto Cantalupo Italian envoy in Burgos
Gastone Gambara