Gundelsheim (noble family)

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Family coat of arms in Scheibler's coat of arms book

The von Gundelsheim family was a Frankish noble family .


The name-giving headquarters is the place Gundelsheim an der Altmühl , today a district of Theilenhofen in the Middle Franconian district of Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen . Due to their possessions, the von Gundelsheim family was organized as part of the imperial-free Franconian knighthood in the knightly cantons of Altmühl and Odenwald . The family was strongly integrated into the Teutonic Order . The genealogist Johann Gottfried Biedermann , who is to be viewed critically in detail, sketches a family tree on three panels, which he closes with Martin Joachim Christoph von Gundelsheim as the last name bearer with his death in 1680 (his sons had previously died). The possessions included Steinhart Castle , Röckingen and Kalteneck Castle . As a captain, Linhard von Gundelsheim played an important role in the Reformation in Memmingen . In 1520 a branch of the family received the Unterwurmbach manor from the Ellwangen monastery as a fief; with the death of Martin von Gundelsheim it reverted to the monastery. His unmarried daughter Maria Helena von Gundelsheim can be traced back to Gunzenhausen until the middle of the 18th century .

coat of arms

The coat of arms shows a silver post on a red background.


See also


  • Johann Gottfried Biedermann : genealogy The Reich Frey immediate knighthood country to Franken praiseworthy local Altmuhl (...) . Bayreuth 1748. Plate CCIII. to CCV.
  • D. Clauß: Wolf Christof von Gundelsheim zu Wurmbach and his Ingolstadt circle of friends. In: Gunzenhauser Heimat-Bote , Vol. III, No. 34 from October 1931.

Web links

Commons : Gundelsheim  - Collection of images, videos and audio files