Gustav Šamšalović

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Gustav Šamšalović (born August 15, 1878 in Valpovo , Slavonia , Austria-Hungary , † June 29, 1961 in Zagreb , Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ) was a Yugoslav German studies professor , professor of the German language and rector of the Zagreb University of Education.

Gustav Šamšalović was born as the son of Carl Šamšalović in Valpovo. He attended elementary school there and then the grammar school in Osijek . In the winter semester of 1897/98 he began studying German and classical philology in Zagreb . In the second semester he moved to the University of Graz and finished his studies there in the winter semester of 1901/02. Four years later, in 1906, he did his doctorate in Graz under Anton Emanuel Schönbach on the poem "Marien Himmelfahrt" by Konrad von Heimesfurt . Before that, he had been teaching German at grammar schools in Zagreb and Sušak since 1903 . There he taught until 1913, when he went to the University of Zagreb and worked there in the field of German language and literature until 1917. In 1919 he was offered a position as honorary professor there, which he held until 1924 in addition to his professorship at the Zagreb University of Education. He taught at the Pedagogical University in Zagreb until his retirement in 1945 and from 1943 also held the post of rector.

His main research interests were linguistics , the etymology of German vocabulary , comparative literature (comparative literature) and lexicography .

He published several dictionaries, school books for German lessons in Croatia, Germanistic and cultural-historical treatises and was involved in the Croatian encyclopedia Hrvatska Enciklopedija (1941–1945), in the field of German literature. Between 1941 and 1945 he published several articles in various newspapers, including in the main journalistic organ of the fascist Ustaša government, Hrvatski Narod .
