Gustav Bredemann

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Gustav Bredemann (born June 15, 1880 in Königswartha , Kingdom of Saxony , † November 20, 1960 in Hamburg ) was a German agricultural scientist and botanist . He is considered a pioneer of nettle research .


Gustav Bredemann studied natural sciences at the University of Marburg since 1903 and received his doctorate there in 1908 with a dissertation in the field of bacteriology. During his studies he became a member of the Association of German Students in Marburg . Subsequently, he was head of department at the agricultural research station in Marburg, which was moved to Kassel-Harleshausen in 1910. In 1913 he went to Rabaul ( German New Guinea ) as an agricultural expert for the Reich Colonial Office and looked after the botanical garden there. From 1916 to 1918, as a member of a German commission, he carried out the control of locusts in Anatolia , Syria and Mesopotamia with great success .

From 1919 to 1920 Bredemann was managing director of the state office for spider plants in Berlin. Since 1921 he was director and professor of the Institute for Plant Breeding (later: Institute for Plant Production and Plant Breeding) of the Prussian Agricultural Experimental and Research Institute in Landsberg / Warthe. Here he initially dealt with the breeding of hemp , later mainly with the problems of plant cultivation in corn cultivation in East Germany. From 1927 to 1950 he was head of the State Institute for Applied Botany in Hamburg. During this time he lectured at the University of Hamburg on crops in the global economy.

After the National Socialist seizure of power , he signed the confession of the German professors on Adolf Hitler on November 11, 1933 . The desired membership in the NSDAP failed because of his earlier membership in a Masonic lodge . In 1934 he joined the Nazi teachers' association and became prorector .

Research services

One of Bredemann's research focuses was smoke damage science . He was best known in this area as a co-editor of the book "Origin, Detection and Assessment of Smoke Damage" (1932). He dealt with the results of smoke damage research even after his professional release. High recognition among experts found his late work "Biochemistry and Physiology of fluorine and fluorine industrial smoke damage" (1951).

The other focus of his activity was nettle research, which he has been involved with since 1919. The fiber nettle ( Urtica dioica convar. 'Fibra') selected and grown by him had a fiber content that was more than three times higher than that of the wild nettle. He has summarized the results of his decades of nettle research and the entire knowledge about this plant in the monograph "The Great Nettle, Urtica dioica L. - Research on its cultivation for fiber production" , published in 1959 .

Bredemann was co-editor of the magazine "Landwirtschaftliche Forschung". He made significant contributions through his work in various specialist groups of the " Association of German Agricultural Investigations and Research Institutes (VDLUFA) ". Since 1950 he was an honorary member of this association.

Gustav Bredemann developed the Bredemann method in 1922.

Main publications

  • Lecture on experiences in field nettle cultivation and on recent research in the field of nettle culture and nettle breeding . Publishing house of the Nessel-Cultivation Society Berlin 1920.
  • The cultivation of flax . In: The flax as a fiber and oil plant . Edited by Ms. Tobler. Julius Springer Berlin 1928, pp. 39-71.
  • Creation, detection and assessment of smoke damage . Edited by E. Haselhoff together with G. Bredemann and W. Haselhoff. Publishing house Borntraeger Berlin 1932.
  • The nettle as a fiber plant . Verlag Neudamm Berlin 1938. - Zugl. in: Der Forschungsdienst Vol. 5, 1938, pp. 148–161.
  • Biochemistry and physiology of fluorine and industrial fluorine smoke damage . Akademie-Verlag Berlin 1951; 2. rework. u. exp. Ed. 1956.
  • The great nettle Urtica dioica L. - about its cultivation for fiber production . With an appendix about their use for medicinal and animal feed as well as technical purposes by Kurt Garber. Akademie-Verlag Berlin 1959.


  • O. Nieser: Gustav Bredemann on his 70th birthday . In: Agricultural Research Vol. 2, 1950, pp. 1–4 (with picture).
  • K. Garber: Gustav Bredemann on his 80th birthday . In: Landwirtschaftliche Forschung Vol. 13, 1960, before p. 93 (with picture).
  • L.Schmitt: Prof. Dr. Gustav Bredemann in memory . In: Landwirtschaftliche Forschung Vol. 14, 1961, before p. 1 (with picture).
  • Bredemann's activity in Landsberg / W. In: The Prussian Agricultural Experimental and Research Institutes Landsberg / W. - Edited by Alfred Heinrich Könekamp. Holzner Verlag Würzburg 1968, pp. 106-107 u. 124–126 (with scripts).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Louis Lange (Ed.): Kyffhäuser Association of German Student Associations. Address book 1931. Berlin 1931, p. 27.
  2. a b Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945 . Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Second updated edition, Frankfurt am Main 2005, p. 73.