Gustav Compter

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Portrait from around 1890

Gustav Compter (born April 8, 1831 in Jena , † July 22, 1922 in Weimar ) was a German educator, botanist , geologist and paleontologist (more precisely: paleobotanist ).


Gustav Compter was the son of the secretary of the Jena University Library David Compter and his wife Henriette, geb. Langguth. After graduating from grammar school in Weimar, he studied mathematics and natural sciences at the universities of Jena and Berlin from 1851 to 1855 and obtained his doctorate in 1856 in Jena. phil. with a mathematical work on cycloidal curves . After brief teaching at the district school in Therwil in the Swiss canton of Basel-Land, Compter came in 1859 as director and teacher at the newly opened "Grand Ducal Saxon Wilhelm and Louis Zimmermann Realschule" in Apolda in Thuringia and managed it until his retirement 1909. In 1892 he was elected a member of the Scholars' Academy Leopoldina , in 1898 he was appointed court counselor and professor. In addition to his successful educational work in Apolda, Compter was primarily known as a researcher with his publications on fossil plants from the Keuper of Thuringia.


  • A contribution to the fossil Keuper flora. Nov. act. Leopold. XXXVII, 3, 10 p., 2 plates, Dresden 1874
  • To the fossil flora of the Lettenkohle of Eastern Thuringia. Journal of Natural Sciences, LVI, fourth volume, second volume, first issue, 1- 29, panels I - II, hall a. P. 1883
  • Some communications about Asterias cilicia Qu. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft, 19, Neue Episode 12, 764 - 775, Plate XXII - XXIII, Jena 1886
  • A contribution to the palaeontology of the upper shell limestone. I. Dolichopterus volitans ng et sp., A ganoid, II. A Colobodus tooth plate, III. Acrodus pulvinatus E. Schmid sp., IV. A fin spine, V. Two crawling tracks. Journal of Natural Sciences, 64, 41 - 61, Plates I / II, Leipzig 1892
  • The fossil flora of the lower Keuper of East Thuringia. Journal of Natural Sciences, 67, 205 - 230, plates II - IV, Leipzig 1894
  • Cycad fruits from the Latvian coal from Apolda. Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften, 75, 169 - 173, plate IV, Stuttgart 1903
  • The middle Keuper in the area around Apolda. Journal of Natural Sciences, 77, 81 - 117, plate III, Stuttgart 1904
  • Revision of the fossil Keuper flora in East Thuringia. Jena 1911
  • A supplement to the fossil Keuper flora of East Thuringia. Journal for Natural Sciences, 86, 439 - 449, Leipzig 1918
  • From the prehistory of the Apolda area and the prehistory of the city. Max Weg Verlag, Leipzig 1922


  • Dieter Ullmann: Gustav Compter as a teacher - on the 75th anniversary of the schoolmaker's death. In: Apoldaer Heimat. Volume 15, 1997, pp. 5-9
  • Manfred Salzmann: The Apolda geologist Gustav Compter (1831-1922). In: Apoldaer Heimat. Volume 15, 1997, pp. 10-16
  • Short biography of G. Compter with picture on p. 67

References and comments

  1. ^ Member entry by Gustav Compter at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on October 14, 2015.