Higher vocational school for hotel management

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The higher vocational school for hotel management is a hotel and gastronomy-related course of education at the higher vocational school (HBF) in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate . The HBF for hotel management is not directly comparable with the other forms of the HBF in Rhineland-Palatinate, as it requires at least the technical college entrance qualification and takes a total of three years with practical phases.

entry requirements

For Rhineland-Palatinate, the state ordinance on the higher vocational school (from July 31, 2019) regulates access. For the higher vocational school for hotel management, at least the technical college entrance qualification is required (§ 15 (3)).


The course lasts three years and is dual. After two years of theory, there is an internship phase of one year. The internship phase should be carried out in two sections, one of which should take place abroad (Section 18, Paragraph (4)).


The course serves to promote the next generation of future hotel managers for national and international hotel chains and cooperations. It is an alternative to traditional further training at a hotel management school.

Areas of responsibility

Graduates typically work in the front office, in the F&B area (food & beverage), in marketing , in banquet or event organization , in human resources or in controlling .


The content of the course rests on three pillars:

  1. Business management knowledge
  2. foreign languages
  3. Hotel organization and management

and contain in detail (excerpt):

  • Job-related lessons
    • Serving food and drinks, preparing meals, advising guests
    • Develop hygiene concepts
    • Organize banquets
    • Organize housekeeping
    • Reception : receiving and looking after guests
    • Sell ​​hotel services
    • Manage and control companies commercially
    • Prepare operational decisions
    • Procure and store goods
    • marketing
    • Human Resources Management
    • Final project
  • First foreign language: Demanding communication at
    • reception
    • Housekeeping
    • Kitchen and restaurant
    • administration
    • sale
  • Second foreign language: good communication with
    • reception
    • Housekeeping
    • Kitchen and restaurant
    • administration
    • banquet
  • Third foreign language: easy communication in
    • Everyday situations
    • general professional situations
    • special professional situations
  • Social studies and economic policy
  • Religion / ethics
  • Health Education / Sports
  • Project management: Define, plan, carry out, control and manage projects
  • Subject-specific data processing
  • Communication and presentation

School locations and comparable courses of education

In Rhineland-Palatinate, the course is currently offered exclusively at the Hotel Management School Südliche Weinstrasse in Edenkoben and has been uninterrupted since 2000. The offer at BBS Bernkastel-Kues has been discontinued. Similar courses exist in Pegnitz and for many years in Saarbrücken , probably the oldest school of this kind. The courses mentioned are located at public educational institutions. Private educational institutions are not currently known, but there are occasional comparable, fee-based offers in cooperation with private universities. The prices for this are around € 400 to € 600 per month. In Baden-Wuerttemberg there is a comparable course at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Ravensburg, a dual course of study, each in three-year cooperation with a hotel as an instructor.

Classification in the educational landscape

The course stands between the vocational school system and the university. Because of the high level of language and practical experience, the degree is particularly popular with international hotel companies.


After passing the examination, the graduates are entitled to use the professional title “state-certified specialist in hotel management” (Section 24 (2)). The qualification is carried out in the EQF on level 5 (decision of ADD Neustradt / W.), Level 6 is applied for. According to the school in Edenkoben, around 1000 participants have now graduated in Rhineland-Palatinate. So far no information is available from Bavaria and Saarbrücken.

Additional qualification

As an exception, the graduates can be admitted to the assistant examination for " hotel clerk".

Recognition of credit points by universities with a Bachelor's degree

Graduates from the Higher Vocational School for Hotel Management in Rhineland-Palatinate can have their work done at the following universities credited:

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Education server Vocational School Rhineland-Palatinate
  2. a b c State ordinance on higher vocational schools, July 31, 2019, published: Law and Ordinance Gazette for the State of Rhineland-Palatinate No. 11/2019
  3. Curriculum for the higher vocational school specializing in hotel management, from August 24, 2009

Web links