Hüda Kaya

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Hüda Kaya (in English-speaking countries also Huda Kaya ; born October 9, 1960 in Istanbul ) is a Turkish and Islamic journalist , book author, politician and activist for women's and human rights . She has been a member of the Turkish Parliament since June 2015 .


Hüda Kaya was born in Istanbul in the fall of 1960 as the daughter of Mehmet and Münevver Kaya. The parents divorced when she was an infant. Hüda and her sister grew up with their father and stepmother. Kaya only met her birth mother at the age of 45. Kaya graduated from elementary school. In the 1970s, Kaya said she was a staunch supporter of the Turkish nationalists . At the age of 18 he was converted to Islam. Kaya married a man of Iraqi origin and had three daughters and two sons with him. After nine years of marriage, she divorced and moved from Istanbul to Malatya . There Kaya ran a small shop, volunteered, participated in regional radio broadcasts and wrote first articles for various magazines.

The fight against the headscarf ban in Turkey became the core of her political work. Kaya regards the headscarf as an expression of a woman's free choice. Kaya's first arrest and pre-trial detention took place during the military intervention in Turkey in 1997 . Kaya took part in protests by students from Imam Hatip High School , wrote an article on the military’s actions and their effects on the headscarf issue, was arrested and was placed in custody. The following day her son, who was then 13, was arrested. Kaya was detained for a total of 20 months. Kaya was tried before a State Security Court for violating Article 312 of the Turkish Criminal Code (TCK) . Immediately after her release, Kaya and her three daughters took part in an action against the headscarf ban at the İmam Hatip grammar school. Anti-terrorist units stormed the school and arrested Kaya and her daughters. Proceedings have now been opened against Kaya and her daughters for violating Article 146 (attempted violent overthrow) of the Turkish StGB. This article of the TCK provided for the maximum penalty at that time to be the death penalty, a penalty which, however, had not been carried out since 1984. Kaya and her daughters received lighter sentences.

Kaya lost her shop in detention and returned to Istanbul. She couldn't find work there. When a daughter was tried, Kaya went into exile in Pakistan and returned to Istanbul a year later. She was serving additional sentences, and shortly after her release, two of her daughters were arrested. The third daughter was killed in a traffic accident.

Hüda Kaya's son was arrested in 2011 in connection with the PKK. He was arrested and tried. The trial ended in an acquittal. In 2013, Kaya went to the Kandil Mountains with her son and spoke to the PKK leadership there. She wrote a series of articles about her impressions and worked as a journalist for the daily Özgür Gündem .

The author is a member of the left - wing pro - Kurdish political party Halkların Demokratik Partisi (abbreviation HDP, German: Democratic Party of the Peoples). In the parliamentary elections in Turkey in June 2015 , Hüda Kaya was elected as one of 80 members of the HDP in the 25th Grand National Assembly of Turkey, as the Turkish parliament is officially called. When she was sworn in in parliament, Kaya wore a headscarf, as did twenty other conservative religious female MPs, which had been forbidden until the previous legislative period. Like the other conservative religious MPs, she adhered to the wording of the oath , which also includes the commitment to the “ secular republic” and the “principles and achievements of Ataturk ” when swearing in . Hüda Kaya also won another mandate in the early parliamentary elections that became necessary in Turkey in November 2015 .

Hüda Kaya has been committed to the rights and better educational opportunities of women and the observance of human rights for many years. She conducted research on these topics in the Middle East, Turkey and other countries, published articles in various publications and is the author of a two-volume work. She lectures worldwide and has participated in numerous conferences, such as in 2013 in Islamabad , where she was a speaker at a two-day international conference on the role of women in Muslim societies.

Kaya is a member of the International Muslim Women Union and within that organization the delegate of Turkey.

In November 2016, Hüda Kaya's son was beaten up by the Turkish police during a solidarity demonstration for the HDP in Istanbul and suffered several broken ribs.


  • Başörtüsüne özgürlük yolunda “görülmüştür” , 2 volumes. Topkapı, İstanbul Düşün Yayıncılık 2012, ISBN 978-6-054533-05-3 (Turkish).


Hüda Kaya is divorced and the mother of three daughters and two sons.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Hüda Kaya . Turkish Parliament website, accessed October 16, 2016 (Turkish).
  2. a b c d e CV on http://www.ensonhaber.com from April 8, 2015
  3. a b Deniz Yücel: Most colorful and feminine parliament in history . Die Welt , June 24, 2015, accessed October 16, 2016.
  4. ↑ List of Members of the 26th Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Turkish Parliament website, accessed October 16, 2016 (Turkish).
  5. Usman Khan: IIUI to hold international conference on "Women role in muslim societies" . The News Tribe, November 26, 2013, accessed August 19, 2016.
  6. HDP'li Hüda Kaya'nın oğlunun gözaltında omurgası kırıldığı iddia edildi. Retrieved November 8, 2016 (Turkish).
  7. ^ Hüda Kaya: We'll splinter threshold against civilian dictatorship . Interview on Dicle Haber Ajansı (DİHA - Dicle News Agency), April 12, 2015, accessed on October 16, 2016.