Halma herbal thistle eater

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Halma herbal thistle eater
Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Passeroidea
Family : Mistletoe eater (Dicaeidae)
Genre : Dicaeum
Type : Halma herbal thistle eater
Scientific name
Dicaeum schistaceiceps
GR Gray , 1861

The Halmaheramistelfresser ( Dicaeum schistaceiceps ) is a species of bird from the mistletoe- eater family (Dicaeidae).

The Latin additional species comes from the Latin schistaceus 'slate gray' and the Latin caput 'head' .

Distribution area

The bird is endemic to the northern Moluccas , Bacan Islands , Bisa , Halmahera , Kasiruta , Morotai, and Obi Islands .

The distribution area includes tropical or subtropical moist deep and mountain forests up to 710 m on Halmahera, up to 950 m altitude on Bacan.


The species is 9 cm tall. The head is gray, green shiny, throat and breast are olive color gray with reddish-orange stain, the top of the rump golden yellow, the wing-coverts and primaries are dark brown.


Earlier it was the type described here with the Burumistelfresser ( Dicaeum erythrothorax Lesson, RP & Garnot , 1828) together as conspecific viewed and when flames breast Mistelfresser referred. In 2007 the species Burum thistle and Halma thistle eater were separated as separate species. Today the species is considered monotypical .


The male's call is described as a simple, high, slightly rising “tseee”.

Way of life

The diet presumably consists of fruits and nectar .

Hazardous situation

The stock is not considered to be at risk ( least concern ).

Etymology and history of research

The first description of the Halmaheram thistle eater was in 1861 by George Robert Gray under the scientific name Dicaeum schistaceiceps . The type specimen collected Alfred Russel Wallace on the Bacaninseln . In 1816, Georges Cuvier introduced the new genus Dicaeum . This word derives from the Greek "dikaion δικαιον ", probably a name Ailianos used for an Indian bird. The species name »schistaceiceps« is a word from the Greek »skhistos, skhizō σχιστος, σχιζω « for »split, split« and the Latin »-ceps, caput, capitis« for »-headed, head«.

Web links


  • James A. Jobling: Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names . Christopher Helm, London 2010, ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4 .
  • George Robert Gray: List of birds collected by Mr. Wallace at the Molucca Islands, with descriptions of new species, etc . In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 28 , no. 3 , 1860, p. 341-368 ( biodiversitylibrary.org - 1861).
  • Georges Cuvier: Le règne animal distribué d'après son organization: pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a l'anatomie comparée . tape 1 . Chez Déterville, Paris 1816 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).

Individual evidence

  1. Halmaheramistelfresser , in Avibase - The World Bird Database
  2. ^ JA Jobling: A Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. Oxford University Press. 1991. ISBN 0-19-854634-3 .
  3. a b c d Handbook of the Birds of the World
  4. FE Rheindt and RO Hutchinson: A photo shot odyssey through the confused avian taxonomy of Seram and Buru (Southern Moluccas) . In: BirdingASIA , 2007, Vol. 7, pp. 18-38.
  5. ^ IOC World Bird List Dippers, leafbirds, flowerpeckers, sunbirds
  6. Redlist
  7. George Robert Gray (1861), p. 349.
  8. Georges Cuvier (1816), p. 410
  9. James A. Jobling, p. 135
  10. James A. Jobling p. 350