Halothamnus beckettii

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Halothamnus beckettii
Halothamnus beckettii.JPG

Halothamnus beckettii

Family : Foxtail family (Amaranthaceae)
Subfamily : Salsoloideae
Tribe : Salsoleae
Genre : Halothamnus
Section : Pungentifolia
Type : Halothamnus beckettii
Scientific name of the  section
Scientific name of the  species
Halothamnus beckettii

Halothamnus beckettii is a species of the genus Halothamnus inthe foxtail family ( Amaranthaceae ). It is the only species of the Pungentifolia section that is characterized by woody, spiky leaves. The species is only found in Somalia.


Vegetative characteristics

Halothamnus beckettii grows as a heavily branched subshrub and reaches heights of only 20 to 40 centimeters. The whole surface of the plant appears to be covered with small white pustules. The tightly standing, semi-stemmed leaves with a concave upper side are narrowly triangular with a length of 11 mm and run out at the upper end into a cartilaginous spike tip. In the leaf axils there are dense tufts of long curly hairs ( trichomes ).

Generative characteristics

The flowers are of a length of 7.5 to 8.5 mm larger than the other Halothamnus species. The winged fruit has a diameter of 11 to 13 mm, its wings start in the lower fifth of the fruit. The median nerve stands out clearly on the tepal lobes .

Anatomical features

The leaf anatomy of Halothamnus becketti is unique : the leaves contain an extremely large amount of woody tissue in the area of ​​the vascular bundles at the edge , below the layer of coronary cells .


Halothamnus beckettii is endemic to Somalia and occurs in dry areas with 100–200 mm annual precipitation. The species is rare and so far only known from a few localities. There it grows scattered between dwarf shrubs or grasses, on plateaus and on slopes up to an altitude of 700 meters.


The first description of Halothamnus beckettii Botsch. was done in 1982 by Viktor Petrovich Botschanzew . The species name refers to the collector of the type specimen, JJ Beckett. The species was accepted in the Flora of Somalia (Volume 1, 1993).


  • Gabriele Kothe-Heinrich: Revision of the genus Halothamnus (Chenopodiaceae). Bibliotheca Botanica Vol. 143, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 978-3-510-48014-2 , pp. 46-49 (sections Characteristics, Anatomy, Occurrence, Taxonomy)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Viktor Petrovich Botschanzew: Novyj vid roda Halothamnus (Chenopodiaceae) iz Somalia. (Russian) - In: Bot. Žurn. (Moscow) 67 (4), 1982, p. 545 (first description)
  2. Entry for Halothamnus beckettii at JSTOR

Web links

Commons : Halothamnus beckettii  - Collection of images, videos and audio files