Hamadou Moussa Gros

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Hamadou Moussa Gros (born November 20, 1953 in Niamey ; also: Amadou Moussa Gros ) is a Nigerien officer and politician .


Hamadou Moussa Gros finished his education at the school for the children of military personnel in Bingerville and in 1974 joined the Nigerien Armed Forces as a volunteer . He attended the military academy in Antsirabe from 1975 to 1977 . In 1979 he was promoted to lieutenant and in 1984 to captain . Moussa Gros was appointed Defense and Air Force Attaché at the Nigerian Embassy in Washington, DC on November 4, 1987 . On November 20, 1987, he moved to the Nigerien government of Ali Saibou , Chairman of the Supreme Military Council, as Minister of Transport and Tourism . He held this office until September 10, 1991, when the government was dissolved by the National Conference, which was preparing the country's transition to a civil multi-party system . Moussa Gros then took on various positions in the Ministry of Defense. There he became Director of Public Relations and Social Welfare in 1992, Director of Administrative and Personnel Affairs in 1993, and in 1995 - with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel - Secretary General of the Defense Minister.

Moussa Gros was a member of the twelve-member military junta Council of National Welfare , chaired by Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara , which overthrew President Mahamane Ousmane's government on January 27, 1996 and ruled the country's fate until December 1996. Moussa Gros was promoted to Chief of Staff of the Nigerien Armed Forces on February 11, 1996 and a few months later to colonel . From June 19, 1997 he was the personal chief of staff of the President Baré Maïnassara. He lost this office in the coup d'état on April 11, 1999, in which the regime was overthrown and Baré Maïnassara was killed. Moussa Gros was initially sent to the Nigerian embassy in Beijing as a defense attaché. In 2000 he returned to Niger, where he became military adviser to the prefect president of the Niamey community. Salou Djibo , chairman of the military junta Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy , reappointed him on February 23, 2010 as the head of state's personal chief of staff. Moussa Gros was promoted to brigadier general. In April 2011 he was succeeded by Colonel Ibrahim Wali Karingama as Chief of Staff. In 2015 he was retired from the armed forces.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Chaïbou Maman: Répertoire biographique des personnalités de la classe politique et des leaders d'opinion du Niger de 1945 à nos jours . Volume II. Démocratie 2000, Niamey 2003, p. 367-368 .
  2. ^ Niger: Moussa Gros nommé chef d'état-major particulier du président du CSRD. In: Renmin Ribao. February 24, 2010, accessed November 12, 2013 (French).
  3. Mahamadou Issoufou reorganize la hiérarchie militaire du Niger. In: SousLeManguier. May 6, 2011, accessed November 12, 2013 (French).
  4. Les noms des huit généraux nigériens mis à la retraite. In: Mondafrique. February 19, 2016, accessed June 8, 2018 (French).