Hannes Mohr

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Hannes Mohr (born September 9, 1882 in Wiener Neustadt , † March 15, 1967 in Vienna ) was an Austrian geologist and mineralogist .

Hannes Mohr studied at the Montanistische Hochschule in Leoben and at the University of Vienna . From 1910 he was an assistant at the German Technical University in Prague . In 1913 he received the Venia legendi at the University of Graz . In 1926 he was appointed full professor of the German Technical University in Brno , where he was also rector . After the Second World War, he went to Vienna in 1945, where he became head of department at the Federal Geological Institute and lecturer at the Technical University . He mainly worked in the field of technical geology, so he dealt with the mica and magnesite deposits in Austria.


  • H. Küpper: Hannes Mohr . Obituary. In: Communications from the Geological Society in Vienna. 60th Volume, 1967, pp. 125-127. ( Article, with Prey's article as an attachment, pdf , ig.tuwien.ac.at)
  • Siegmund Prey: Hannes Mohr . Obituary. In: Negotiations of the Federal Geological Institute. 1968, pp. 3-8; with list of publications.

Individual evidence

  1. September 7, 1967: Hannes Mohr's 85th birthday