Hanns Schwarz

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Hanns Schwarz , actually Ignatz Schwarz (born February 11, 1888 in Vienna , † October 27, 1945 in Hollywood , California ) was a German film director of Austrian origin.


Hanns Schwarz attended the art academy in Vienna. He then studied interior design and painting in Düsseldorf and Paris. Study trips took him to Egypt, England and other European countries. The contract to produce a cultural film for the Bulgarian government brought him into contact with film.

He came to Berlin in 1923 and made - from 1925 exclusively for Ufa - in the last few years of the silent film era some entertainment films, among which the 1929 The Wonderful Lie of Nina Petrovna with Brigitte Helm in the leading role stands out. With the start of talkies in Germany, he was one of the first to dedicate himself to music and operetta films. He made the successful films Melody of the Heart (1929), Darling of the Gods (1930), Burglar (1930) and Bombs on Monte Carlo (1931).

In 1933, Schwarz emigrated from Germany because of his Jewish origins. In England, he turned in the same year with the only 19-year-old Ida Lupino Prince of Arcadia , the English version of Karl Hartl's The Prince of Arcadia , before seeking its future in the US 1934th There he worked as a screenwriter under the name Howard Shelton , but did not receive directing assignments. He directed his last film Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel in London.

Hanns Schwarz was married to the actress Lissi Arna from 1920 to 1922 .

Filmography (selection)


  • Kay Less : 'In life, more is taken from you than given ...'. Lexicon of filmmakers who emigrated from Germany and Austria between 1933 and 1945. A general overview. P. 456 f., ACABUS-Verlag, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86282-049-8

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