Hans-Joachim Reiche

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Hans-Joachim Reiche (1965)

Hans-Joachim Reiche (born July 9, 1921 in Berlin ; † August 23, 2005 in Bonn - Bad Godesberg ) was a German television journalist .


Reiche began in 1948 as a freelance writer and reporter at what was then Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk (NWDR) - predecessor of Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) and Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) - and later worked as the chief editor of Illustrierte Quick .

From 1960 to 1970 he was editor-in-chief (NDR) of the Tagesschau .

From 1960 he developed the following principles for the Tagesschau:

  • The news must be for everyone, young or old, poor or rich.
  • Political information is at the center of every message. The other departments get their place depending on their weight.
  • The Tagesschau should orient itself worldwide in order to do justice to the international interdependence of politics and science and the position of the Federal Republic of Germany in the world organizations.
  • The information should be formulated in an easily understandable manner.

In 1970 he went to London as an ARD radio correspondent. In 1972 he switched to ZDF , whose Bonn studio he headed until his retirement in 1984. He moderated u. a. the show Bonner Perspektiven .

In 1981 Hans-Joachim Reiche received the Federal Cross of Merit .