Hans Im Thurn-Stokar

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Hans Im Thurn-Stokar (* 1535 in Schaffhausen ; † March 31, 1611 ) was a nobleman from the Im Thurn family , a noble and patrician family of the city of Schaffhausen. He was Vogtherr von Thayngen and Altikon , 1578 Obervogt von Neunkirch , Reichsvogt, Bannerherr and Säckelmeister of the, de jure Reichsstadt Schaffhausen, de facto part of the Old Confederation .


Hans Im Thurn-Stokar was the son of Bat Wilhelm Im Thurn (1532–1550) and his wife Dorothea Schultheiß, a daughter of a mayor of Constance. He had five brothers and three sisters. In Thayngen, Im Thurn owned a half yard as early as 1306 . They expanded this property over time, so that Hans Im Thurn was able to replace the brick house with the building that still exists today, Thayngen Castle , as the new seat of the Schaffhausen governor and personal summer residence between 1593 and 1604 . He was very popular with the people, he was generous and happy to help, he was godfather 28 times, and in his will he bequeathed 200 guilders to Thayngen for the poor. When he got older his saying was: The eternal good gives good courage, the temporal suffered me . In 1615 his son and the later mayor of Schaffhausen, Hans Im Thurn-Peyer , expanded the building with the connection on the Kerhals to include the northern extension.

Built by Hans Im Thurn-Stokar: Thayngen Castle

Hans Im Thurn-Stokar was married to Margreth Stokar (* February 1, 1544; † April 3, 1598) and had five sons and three daughters:

  • Bat Wilhelm (1562–1612) ⚭ M. Burgauer
  • Benedict (1563–1627), court lord of Altikon ⚭ 1. M. Zollikofer, 2. EP Effinger
  • Rueger (1569–1617), Pannerherr, ⚭ Anna Koler
  • Hans Im Thurn-Peyer, (1579–1648), Mayor of Schaffhausen, ⚭ Barbara Peyer
  • Joachim (1580–1635), in Zurich and Altikon ⚭ Barbara Schmid
  • Ursula (1593 ⚭ Tobias Peyer)
  • Margreth (1573–1642) ⚭ 1. Hans Konrad Peyer in the courtyard; 2. Hans Christ. v. Waldkirch
  • Elisabeth (1582–1629) ⚭ A. v. Waldkirch

He also had a daughter

  • Maria (1611) ⚭ Hans Kaspar Peyer (not mentioned by Rüeger?)

and he had three other sons, who either died or perished early:

  • Eberhart died in Strasbourg in 1592 as a student
  • Friedrich, in a duel in Strasbourg
  • Hans Albrecht, slain in 1596 as an ensign in French service

He was a contemporary and friend of the Schaffhausen chronicler Johann Jakob Rüeger , who mentions him with praise and says that he was very helpful in writing his chronicle. His son-in-law, Johann Wilhelm Ziegler († 1608) wrote an obituary that appeared in print in 1611 and contains a copper engraving portrait. The internet research resulted in the same sheet as a single sheet print in the graphic inventory of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum , a photo is online in the Marburg picture index. The date of death on the sheet was: Placide apud suos obdormiuit Ano 1611, ultimo Martij that means: I fell asleep the last day in March 1611, and the saying in Latin: This body no longer works because it wore it when it was still alive , the light and life to his father, that is the glory, fame and honor of the Thurn family . The handwriting of the Rüeger'schen Chronik should also contain a portrait of him.


  • Johannes Winzeler: History of Thayngen. 1963, DNB 577604090 .
  • Johann Jakob Rüeger: Chronicle of Schaffhausen. 1892.
  • Harder, Im Thurn: Chronicle of Thayngen.
  • Andreas Schiendorfer: 1000 years of Thayngen. Jubilee book, Thayngen 1995, ISBN 3-905116-03-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Winzeler: History of Thayngen. 1968, p. 162
  2. Johannes Winzeler: History of Thayngen. 1968, on plate 75.